Broken Bones

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             Everyone was seated in the think room enjoying bowls of ice cream. Fred was looking at his brother's bowl in disgust. Who mixes strawberry, chocolate and vanilla all in one bowl? Monsters, that's who.

            "Quit glaring at my bowl Freddie or I will make you eat it." George warned not even bothering to take his eyes away from his delicious treat. His brother just had no taste when it came to real flavor.

            Fred made a disgusted noise. "Not on your life." He promised. George looked up at winked at his brother. "At least my ice cream is adventurous. I would die of boredom just from eating yours." He pointed out with a wicked smirk.

            Fred frowned at his twin. "What is wrong with chocolate? I prefer the classics." George shook his head in disappointment. "Sometimes I can't believe we are twins." Fred opened his mouth to retort but was cut off.

            "Just shut up and eat your ice cream." Severus demanded. Salazar, they were driving him nuts and he didn't even have Lucius here to agree with him.

            Fred and George shared an affronted look before glaring at him. They noticed that he was eating plain vanilla. At least they could both agree that their choices were better than that!

            Remus watched them with amusement. He leaned over and lifted his spoon so that Severus could try his ice cream. He caught the wariness and huffed out in humor. Here was a man who could lie to Voldemort's face with no fear but offer him ginger spice ice cream and he looked like he was going to bolt. Remus locked eyes with Severus and slowly licked a portion of the ice cream off his spoon. He smirked internally as Severus's eyes tracked the movement. "You try." Remus breathed out.

            Severus was positive that Remus was trying to kill him. He was never one to back down, so he leaned forward and wrapped his tongue around the spoon before slowly pulling it into his mouth. He heard Remus's breath hitch and he knew he succeeded in turning the table on him. "Delicious." Severs whispered staring at Remus. He wasn't sure if he meant the ice cream or the man in front of him. The statement was true either way.

            "I think I am going to be sick." Fred moaned shoving his bowl away.

            George wrinkled his nose in horror. "Oh gross. That was awful." He looked at the remainder of his dessert sadly before pushing it to the side as well.

            "Don't do that again." Pansy and Blaise said at the same time. Blaise had already finished his ice cream but now his stomach was churning slightly. Pansy was grossed out but nothing was going to stop her from finishing off the last of her dessert.

            Remus and Severus looked up in confusion and they both arched brows when the teens were looking at them in disgust. Severus looked to Narcissa but she was smiling rather amused so there was no help there.

            "Don't do what?" Asked Remus. Fred waved a hand between the two of them. "That. The sexual horror we just witnessed." The other three nodded in agreement.

            Severus snorted. "How is that any different from the constant public displays of affection that we are forced to endure from Harry and Draco?" He drawled dryly. Honestly, what they had just done was mild in comparison.

            "That's different." George argued.

            Pansy nodded her head. "Yeah, what they do is usually hot." Fred was in full agreement on that one.

            "That is debatable." George and Blaise mumbled.

            "Are you implying that we aren't hot?" Remus asked.

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