First Contact

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Author's Notes: Smut warning. There will be a bolded (*) signifying when the smut starts and ends.


             As soon as Harry landed, on the floor, he quickly scrambled up and hid behind the couch. This was the one instance that he was glad he was smaller than average.

            "Harry what are y-" Harry shushed Sirius as he poked his head up. "I am hiding from Draco."

            Sirius was positive that he didn't want to know. This just screamed too much information. He was thankful that he had an extra painting inside Gringotts or he would have been forced to listen to all of their sexual encounters. Merlin, they had no shame where or when they began. He had to wonder if they even remembered that he was in the living room most of the time. He himself had been very active at their ages but it was never like that. Although he hadn't been in a serious relationship either.

            Harry quickly dropped his head as he heard the whoosh of the fireplace. He was sure that his heart was beating too fast to be considered healthy but he couldn't help it. There was a thrill at hiding. It was almost as if he was Draco's prey.

            Draco narrowed his eyes as he looked around the living room. He stepped out of the fireplace and put his hands on his hips. He could feel the excitement from the bond and it filled him with anticipation.

            "Harry?" Draco called softly. If Harry thought he could hide from him than he was gravely mistaken. He wasn't a Slytherin for no reason. He felt a flutter come from Harry and he grinned. Gotcha. That meant that Harry was close enough to hear his soft call.

            Harry could feel satisfaction and he cursed inwardly. He had somehow given something away. He wasn't sure how Draco figured whatever it was out. He could hear footsteps and he covered his mouth with his hands.

            Draco looked up and saw Sirius watching him with amusement. "Dearest cousin of mine, you wouldn't happen to know where my fiancé is, would you?" Sirius arched a brow at the flattering tone but he smiled.

            Harry narrowed his eyes dangerously. If Sirius gave him away he was so going to put his godfather in Kreacher's sleeping quarters. He would even give Kreacher permission to test paint thinner on the painting.

            Sirius considered his options. He could give Harry away but he was positive that Harry would do something awful to him. He could always request to be taken to Remus's for a little while to get away from whatever Harry could do to him. But at the same time, he liked the idea of Draco having to find Harry all on his own. "I think he ran upstairs."

            Draco scoffed. "Liar." That's fine. If Sirius didn't want to tell him than that was just fine with him. He would find Harry on his own. It would make it that much more worth it in the end. Sirius arched a brow, wondering how Draco knew that Harry wasn't upstairs.

            Harry breathed a sigh of relief that Sirius hadn't given him away. Draco smirked widely at the relief in the bond. So Harry could hear them. That narrowed it down to the living room. He had briefly considered the kitchen. That might have been plausible since it wasn't too far away but he had a hunch about the living room.

            "You know my love, you should probably have dimmed the bond. Your emotions give you away." Draco told him as he looked all around the room trying to discover just where his lover could be. There were a lot of options, surprisingly enough. There was a side closet that was standing out in his mind but that was just a tad too obvious. There were many chairs that he could be behind or even the couch.

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