His Weakness

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"What the hell happened?!" I screamed at Summer whom trembled while sitting on the ground with widened eyes. She glances at me, then shakes her head and stares at her feet.

"The kiss didn't work..." She whispered.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, "thanks for that obvious answer. I mean, why didn't it work?"

"I-I don't know. Usually the kiss would have been just a kiss, but it split them into two...."

I furrow my brows, "wait. The kiss did and didn't work."

Summer shakily stands up, brushing off the dirt on her dress. "How is that possible?"

It was then, that everything clicked. "Peter once told me about his past." I glance at Peter who had appeared to be asleep. "Peter said that he was heartbroken when he saw you supposedly kill yourself... But that was just Peter not the demon..."

"So you're saying that the kiss didn't work because the demon doesn't love me?" Summer questioned. "Winter, demons can't love."

"Yes they can," I snapped. "Some can hide their emotions better than others. Whether his heart is broken or dark, both Peter and that demon can love. Besides, you said you don't love Peter, it wasn't true love."

She opens her mouth to speak, only to close it and look away from my eyes. "Well, then who does Peter love?"

I sigh, kneeling next to the pale and weak boy. "That's not our concern right now."

"Then what is our concern?"

I caress Peter's cheek with my hand, watching him take in soft, even breaths as he was hopefully sleeping peacefully. "Our, main concern is helping Peter get back to good health. Then, I need to prepare for...." I trailed off, my voice catching in my throat.

"Prepare for your death?" Summer questioned softly.

Nodding, I stand up with a shaky breath. "I will sacrifice my life for Peter. He deserves to be happy... after all he's been through." I shot a glare at Summer, then switched back to Peter's closed eyes. "Why did you do it?"

Summer furrows her brows, "do what?"

"Break his heart, shatter him when you knew he was already broken?" I answered with anger dripping off my lips.

She pauses, looking at the sky and blinking as if waiting for an answer that would fall from the clouds. "Winter, he never told me he loved me." She stares at Peter with glossy eyes. "And I loved someone else," she added. "Peter is a fragile, sensitive boy. He doesn't understand love, or how to feel it. How can I love someone like that?"

"Well," I started, crossing my arms. "Thanks to you, he's nothing but a wall with emotions behind it."

"Why do you feel sympathy for him? He kills, tortures, murders.. look what happened to Rufio," She argued.

"Yes, however," I countered. "The Lost Boys claim he broke down after Rufio's shadow was ripped."

Summer clamps her mouth shut again, her eyes on Peter. "So what happens now?"

I shake my head, my eyes focused on the boy's pale face, "I don't know. I don't even know where to start, and here, I thought this would be the end of Peter's suffering."

"No, this is just the beginning."


Summer and I carried Peter back to camp with difficulty. While Summer's intentions were to wake him up, I had argued that he needed time to rest. Though, I was eager to be in the camp where I felt safe and at home. I felt like there were eyes on me, watching me with greed, waiting to strike at any moment.

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