buffy the vampire slayer

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Seize the moment
'cause tomorrow, you might be dead.


Carlson Young
as Buffy Summers

Carlson Youngas Buffy Summers

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Hayley Law
as Willow

John Spencer MacPhersonas Xander

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John Spencer MacPherson
as Xander

John Spencer MacPhersonas Xander

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Chiwetel Ejiofor
as Giles

Emeraude Toubiaas Cordelia

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Emeraude Toubia
as Cordelia

Emeraude Toubiaas Cordelia

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Ricky Whittle
as Angel

Joseph Morganas Spike

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Joseph Morgan
as Spike

Joseph Morganas Spike

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Arden Cho
as Faith


so I've had this in my drafts for a while,
still figuring out face claims for characters,
and then bam, all of a sudden, all of them,
one after the other, just popped into my head,
and I actually love this quite a lot!

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