This is me❤️

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I was born in Indiana. I believe. I was a taken into foster care at age 6/7. (Foster care is a place you go to that catch kids from their families because they weren't catching care of the kids.) I was always was a shy little girl. That one girl that was really dum. I flunked 2nd grade. I was very outgoing.

But really inside the I had nothing to eat all I ate was peanut butter and toast. I was very depressed I would scream and cry and my mom would not get up. She wasn't died she was asleep and she alway slept. I would wake her up like mommy I need to eat can you make me something. She would say in a minute hun I would skip out of our room being so happy then when my mom came out ten give me a hotdog. That I could of cooked. She was too lazy to get up and cook me real food. I ate it. Then my mom would say don't sneak out the apartment. I nodded.

When I was done eating my hot dog I would sneak out and play with my one and only friend. Caitlin. She was the best. We would play Barbies. Then I would go in her apartment and watch scary movies. Then my mom walked over, got me and walked me home.

Then later that night my dad would come over he was the best. He was the real parent between my mom and him. Then my uncle evil (he really wanted me to call him uncle evil) came over and my mom and dad told me to go into the room and do something. I would but I knew what the were doing. It was a regular thing for this to happen. I would take makers and draw On the big mirror that I had. I liked to act like I was a teacher.

When I came out and it would smell really bad. Well, my mom, dad and uncle evil were smoking really bad stuff. I really don't know what but it put me in foster care.

Then I go into foster home and after that I had always put on a fake smile to not show the pain I was going through. I lose my love ones. My mom and dad. I was lost with out them.

I try to commit suicide when I was 7/8 years old. I flunked a grade so people made funny of me. I missed my mom and dad a lot. And I just hate left nothing good happen to me.

I'm still live but I regret the things I have done. Like I should of yelled at my parents for what they were doing. I should have try to commit suicide.

So love life no matter what happen your gong to have ups and down. Push through them and BE YOU. Keep on the positive side.

Stay cloudy☁️☁️~Jc Caylen

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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