Really sorry

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Sorry for the lack of presence . . .

. . . Though some of you maybe saw me comment on some stories.

But still, I'm so sorry.

I'm not dead, I won't commit suicide.

It's just I'm busy with things and school is gonna start tomorrow.

I envy Chloe because Apec school is gonna start on August. (Which is supposed t be my school:(.)

I'm already an official member of the church and we're gonna have a Talent Fest on August, so now we need to start practicing.

And I'm gonna be in the quartet! Yay! I'm gonna sing!

I started to like singing now, because my aunt said my voice is good, but I still don't have enough evidence to believe that, but I still find singing fun. So . . .

Yes. And I can only use my phone during Saturdays.

I might be a loner in my new school, though I had some cousins there and my teacher in computer is gonna be my cousin. Cool.

And I got my hair rebonded because it's thick and curly and ugly as fuck, so yes. Then now it means I can't tie my hair into a ponytail.

I actually started to have a habbit when someone stares at me, I look down so my hair could cover my face, and I can pretend I don't know they're staring at me, because it's unnerving when someone does that to me.

We actually have a prayer meeting later, at 7:30 pm. IT'S ALREADY 7:14 PM.

I also have a new story to make! Not that Dr. Smiley idea. I'm cringing again.

So it's a surprise, but I'll tell you there's a puzzle in it, so I'm certain someone will figure that out quickly. A message to my friends, don't spill the truth because you will know the puzzle!

Or I'll seriously flip out.

So, the title is "I'm Fine" and I'll use the name of my oc, which Chloe gave me.

That is all!


-WafolTics(I'm warning you about my name . . .)

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