july 27

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hope: today is the day

shawn:shawn sucks day?

hope: no just "let's talk about it day"

shawn: ladies first

hope: you would make me go first
hope: well, we were two peas in a pod, then we were to peas in a pod who had many loving feelings towards one another, and then it was just me. and then i wasn't even a pea anymore. because being a pea without you was worthless. so then it was just sad old hope, and the irony in that is depressing.

shawn: you deserved better than what i could give you at the time. i loved you, but being with you and feeling like i couldn't give you what you deserved killed me. i thought not being with you would make it hurt less

hope: did it?

shawn: not being on speaking terms with you was the worst thing i've ever experienced

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