Chapter 26 (Christmas Special: part 2)

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Let's hope that I can get on schedule and write these Christmas special on actual Christmas lol enjoy!! And sorry for any grammar errors!!

"I'd like to get married in the spring or they summer" Mary told Carlisle as everyone starts to leave the dining Tim after dinner.

"I'm only asking to set a date" he said eagerly. "But what's the hurry?" "Hurry? Glaciers are fast compared to you on this, Mary" I looked towards them.

She rolled her eyes and turned to leave. He grabbed her arm. "I warn you, even my patience has its limits" Matthew clenched his jaw seeing Carlisle's tight grip on her.

Mary jerked her arm out of his grip and stormed out. I followed after her. "Mary..." Matthew called as he followed us out. "Can I help?" He asked sincerely.

"After today, I won't insult you by asking what you mean" "You don't have to marry him, you know" he was right. "You don't have to marry anyone. You'll always have a home here, as long as I'm alive" he smiled to her tenderly.

"Didn't war teach you never to make promises? And anyway, you're wrong. I do have to marry him" "But why? To prove you've broken with me? Surely? We know where we stand. We've no need for gestures"

"If I told you the reason, you would despise me, and that I really couldn't bear" she choked out. "Matthew furrowed his brow, as did I.

"Mary?" Cora called from behind us. "Rosamund wants to play brides until the men come through" "Of course" she walked to the drawing room. I kissed Matthew's cheek, following Mary.


Mary, Robert, Matthew, and Mrs. Crawley all stood by the door, dressed and ready to go. "Tell Anna that I wish her and Mr. Bates luck. And that I will be praying" I told Mary, she grabbed my hand.

"Of course" she walked out to the car with everyone else, Matthew gave me a small smile before kissing my cheek and following everyone. I turned to Cora, we stood in the doorway as they drove off.

"I hope they can see he is an I overt man" I said to her as we had our arms linked. "I'm sure everything will work out" she soothed. "Have you got anything plans for today?" She asked as the car disappeared from the drive.

"Lady Violet and Lady Rosamund have invited me for tea" I looked to her. "Why do you ask" she had a little smile tugging at her lips. "Oh, no reason. Just wanted to talk to you about your little admirer, that's all" she winked at me and her smile turned into a smirk. I blushed as she walked back inside.

"Did you know Bares well?" Lady Rosamund me. "I do, we met on the train when I first came here. He's always been kind" "What about you, Mama?" She asked her Mother.

"Oh, I saw him once, when I went to talk to Matthew in his bedroom just before dinner" she said as she poured her tea. She chuckled. "That sounds rather risqué"

"Alas, I am beyond impropriety" "There'll be stink in the papers" I chuckled at the two as I sipped my tea. "Well, to be honest, I'm surprised that hasn't been one already. Perhaps Sir Richard had a hand in it. And while we're on the subject of unsuitable spouses..."

"Lord Hepworth is not unsuitable, Mama. You are unjust" I looked between the two. "He's hardly the consumption devoutly to be wished. Did he ask you what I asked him to tell you?"

"I know he has no fortune, if that's what you mean" Rosamund told her mother. "No fortune?" She surprised. "He's lucky not to be playing the violin in Leicester Square" she remarked as she took a sip of her tea.

"He's fond of me, Mama. I'm tired of being alone, and I have money" she told her. "He's a fortune hunter, my dear. A pleasant one, I admit, but a fortune hunter" Lady Rosamund turned her head away from her mother.

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