Je 2 Jang

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Xiumin POV

"Huh! Both! Jinja! OMO FINALLY" Ahjumma Kim yelled in excitement.

"Ne, jeongmal I want to adopt both of them"I said

"Okay! Okay! The papers! Where are the goddamn papers" Ahjumma Kim

"Here they are Ahjumma Kim" Sumin said popping nowhere scaring both me and Ahjumma Kim.

"Yah! What did I say about scaring me it can cause me a heart attack. You dont want this Ahjumma to die do yah" Ahjumma Kim scolded Sumin playfully

"Ani! Never Ever" Sumin said. (Never Ever never gonna let you go* insert korean words* sorry I had to ~Author H out )      

I signed the paper meaning I had full custody of Minbyul and Sumin. Now their last name is Kim. I was happy that we found the kids we wanted to take of. EXO as whole wanted to adopted someone because it boring at the dorm. The issue was who was gonna go and pick him/her. Chen and I won the game of rock paper scissors. Here we are but idk if they are ok with two little girls. Welp, they are going to have to deal with it I'm not bring them back here. 


"Okay okay just stop screaming in my ear please" I whined

"Wah! how is he your hyung Chen?" Sumin mumble loud enough for me to hear her.

"At least I'm look younger than this dinosaur now let's go" I sassed back while getting in the car.

"Oh MY GOD" Minbyul laughed out.

*Time skip to the Dorm*

Minbyul and Sumin fell asleep on my shoulders while we were on our way to the dorm. We just arrived and i don't want to wake them up so told Chen to call rest of the kids while we take The girls to their room. The kids come out and I can feel like one of the beagle line is going to wake them up. "HYUNG!!!! WHERE THE BABIES" and I surprise that it was Suho who yelled. As soon as he yelled that Sumin started to scream in her sleep.

"Hajima! Unnie save me!" She was screaming really loud. Minbyul eyes shot open. 

"Shit! she's asleep!" Minbyul whispered. Minbyul start to sing our song, Angel. 

'As if I was reborn as a child

Who doesn't know anything
I thought it was a dream
So I closed my eyes and opened them again
I am standing in front of you as if I was praying
I want to walk side by side
With you at least once,
Just once

I ride the soft wind into your world
I go right next to you and you ask where I came from
You asked so innocently so I answered that it is a secret
Because if we just walk together like this
Wherever we go, it'll be heaven

You are more dazzling than Michael
Who can ever oppose you?
I won't forgive anyone who does
Just like the first person
to step on Eden
Every day, I will only go toward you
and trust you with my heart

Even if it's a small thing,
I want to protect you for always
So you won't ever have to suffer, I'm eternally love

As your guardian angel, I will block out that strong wind
Even if everyone turns their back against you
On hard days, I will wipe away your tears
If only I can be that kind if person

Wherever we go, it'll be heaven'  She sung so beautifully. "You can't scream while Sumin sleeps. It will trigger her night traumas and that fact her night trauma are true hurt me even more as her older sister." Minbyul whispered 

"Okay, I'm sorry" Suho apologized silently

"Nah it ok now can you guys help me take Sumin and mine bags and show me to our room." She asked.

"Sure no problem" Kyunsoo said

*an hour later* Minbyul POV

I have changed mine and Sumin clothes into comfortable clothing.

I have changed mine and Sumin clothes into comfortable clothing

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Sumin on the left and Minbyul on the right.^

Now I was walking to the living room with my backpack and computer. I looked around and only Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, and Suho were awake.

'I have to revise two reports due tomorrow and rearranged one song and send the styles for Twice when the go on Weekly Idol again.' I thought while walking to table.

"Um, Minbyul aren't you tired?" Xiumin asked

"Of course I am, but my work isn't going to finish on it own is it" I said tiredly 

"Oh for school?" He asked

" Yeah also for my job too" I said as I sat down.

"You work?" Suho asked

"Yeah" I said

"Why would you work for? Shouldn't your caretaker do that for you? I mean at the orphanage of course" Kyungsoo asked

"Well She had many things to do she puts the older in charge but the didn't feed us or anything like that so we have to do it ourselves. So basic I work for Sumin and Mine school tuition and clothes while Sumin works for Food and basic essentials and if we have more than enough money after we buy what we need we buy stuff we want but we really don't have a lot. I only  have phone because that how i contact with YG and JYP while Sumin doesn't have one yet but will one day when we have enough money." I restated while opening my computer to finish revising my papers.

"Oh Well since you have us you have to work us of you don't want to" Chanyeol said

"Well, even that sound tempting but I like working for the simple reason is that it will keep me humble and grounded for I won't always have to depend on you guys," I said" Sadly, I already know that not how the world works," I said while smiling at him

"Okay if you say so" Kyungsoo said " Have you ate i can make something real quick if you want?" He asked while his eyes hoping that i say yes. i quickly nooded my head 

"Yes, please that would be very nice while I started to work I'm be up for awhile," I said. he smiled while walking to kitchen but before that he messed up my hair which cause me to pout.

After working for hour and half Kyungsoo came back with some Jjampong. "Here you go sweetie!" He gave me the bowl. I just at him in awe. It look like he was waiting for me to taste it. I took one bite and fell in love

"Omo, Oppa this is soooooo goood" I said in my aeygo voice. 

"Hey that not fair you call him oppa but us by own names" Chanyeol whined.And may I say Very loud. 

"Sshh, child. I swear you really loud. Don't cause a other night trauma for my sister. Aish fine you want to be called oppa. Giant fairy yoda oppa, Chubby cheecks mocha bread eating oppa, Weird no jam guardian angel oppa, amd owl eye satansoo oppa. Happy. now shush" I scolded them

"Thank you very much"Chanyeol smiled

'Ugh, all i want to do is work in peace' I thought to myself

"Okay eveyone let's leave her alone so she can work in peace" Xiumin oppa said. 

'Omg did he read my mind'

He just smile at me " Work hard hwaiting" he cheered silently

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