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The week had dragged on, Jennie and Jisoo had become closer. Jisoo could feel her feelings grow but pushed them to the side ignoring them. At times her feelings would show but Jisoo was quick to cover it up.

Sadly, Jennie was completely oblivious to all of it. Today the pair were going out for lunch, nothing special. Just lunch. They always had days off on the same time as they worked together, but sometimes they'd get called back in on their days off for a meeting.

Jisoo went to the restaurant they decided to meet at, luckily the two girls always avoided attention from media but today was there first time actually doing something outside of work. Jisoo could see Jennie standing outside with a small crowd around her, Jisoo sighed and approached. She made eye contact with Jennie and she nodded her head towards the restaurant, giving her a sign to just go in. Jisoo nodded and sat at their table waiting.

Finally, after 10 minutes Jennie came inside and sat with her. "That's a first for us" Jisoo chuckled

"Yeah, they don't usually find out where I'm headed as I'm quite conservative I guess." Jennie shrugged

"I wonder how they found you" Jisoo wondered

Jisoo shook her head slowly "not sure chi Choo~" she said with a soft giggle, Jisoo laughed and blushed at the nickname.

Jennie noticed Jisoo's pale pink cheeks and squeezed one lightly "ooo chi choo, you're in love with me aren't you babyyy"

Jisoo's cheeks were almost red at this point "no I don't!" She shouted embarrassed, some people in the restaurant looked at her strangely.

"cutie" Jennie said under her breath. Jisoo didn't hear her and they continued their little lunch.


After about an hour and a half of being there they left. Jennie took ahold of Jisoo's small soft hand and laughed while running down the street with Jisoo and a big smile on her face.  Jisoo's cheeks were brightly coloured as she ran along with Jennie's hand intertwined with hers.

Finally after 5 minutes they arrived at Jennie's surprise destination, Jennie covered the shorter brunettes eyes with one hand and held her other hand. Finally, after a few minutes of walking what felt like uphill, Jennie uncovered Jisoo's eyes and a beautiful view was in sight. Jisoo had her mouth wide open "how have I never seen this place before? It's so beautiful" she said with amazement in her voice.

Jennie shrugged, the two sat in silence looking out watching the sun set. Jennie re-connected her hand with Jisoo's again. Jisoo's were as pink as the sky, Jennie noticed and grinned a little. She looked at Jisoo for a few seconds before Jisoo noticed Jennie looking. She made deep eye contact with Jennie.

The two of them started moving closer to each other, closer and closer. Until, their lips met, they closed their eyes and kissed.


Jennie and Jisoo were laying in bed, the day had gone so well and the two were just laying there in silence. Until, their two phones both started getting so much notifications at the same time, the couple looked confused and sat up, checking their phone.


Jisoo read the text aloud to Jennie and then Jennie read her messages from Lisa

Lisa: so rude ;((

"What are they talking about?" Asked Jisoo

"Let's check Twitter and fund out I guess" Jennie said with a confused look on her face

Jennie scrolled through Twitter, her jaw dropping. Jisoo looked over her shoulder at the phone "r-really?" Jisoo shook her head. "I'm so sorry Jennie" Jisoo was convinced it was her fault, a dating scandal for Jennie would be horrible at this time.

"It's not your fault, I guess I'll just have to ask my manager about what to do." Jisoo nodded in agreement to Jennie's response. "Let's just sleep for now, okay chi Choo?" Jennie added with a soft chuckle.

The two girls said their goodnights and nodded off to sleep, wondering how their day would go tomorrow.


finally updating, sorrY for my late updates. I'm worried I'm making the story go to fast but ??? Idk please give me feedback!! :)

- angel 💗

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