3. A Whole New World

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Cassi couldn’t believe it when they finally stopped at the station and climbed out, there was a giant waiting to collect the first years! She slipped her hand into her brother’s who squeezed it lightly and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. She could feel herself relaxing knowing that he was there with her and she didn’t have to do anything alone. The giant introduced himself as Hagrid and directed them towards boats “No more’n four to a boat!” he shouted as they all started to go into them, Cassi smiled as two young boys climbed into the same boat as the twins. Cassi moved slightly closer to her brother as he wrapped an arm around her waist as he kept a hold of her, he could tell that she was scared but knew that she would have to look after herself sometime soon.

Hagrid left the first years in the hands of the deputy headmaster, Professor Smythe who began to explain how Hogwarts works and how their houses will be like their family. Cassi looked to Sirius and smiled, hoping that they would be in the same houses but as Professor Smythe explained the qualities of each house she found it unlikely as she was sure that she would be placed in Hufflepuff whereas he would probably be placed into either Gryffindor or Slytherin.  They had to wait outside a large door for a few minutes before the professor returned and asked them to follow him into the hall where they had to stand in front of four long tables, facing the table that the professors sat on. Smythe stood by a small stool and held a sorting hat, soon enough he was calling students names and they would sit on the stool and moments later the hat would shout which house there were in.

“Gordon Hughes” was called and Cassi couldn’t help but notice it was one of the boys that had been on the boat with them, he got sorted into Ravenclaw. Many other students were sorted before the name she had been dreading was called “Cassiopeia Jones” Sirius squeezed her hand lightly before she walked over and sat on the small stool as the hat was placed on her head and before she knew it, the hat was whispering in her ear “So many things hidden from you and you show fear but something inside of you is waiting to be shown…” Cassi was confused about this but said nothing “But where to put you, you could be in either house… Brave like a Gryffindor, smart like a Ravenclaw, shy like a Hufflepuff but sly and cunning like the Slytherins…” Cassi wished that the hat would just make its mind up so she could get away from all the faces staring at her and soon her wish was granted as the hat yelled out for the entire school to hear “SLYTHERIN!”

Cassi looked towards Sirius in shock but he smiled at her and she skipped off to sit at the green and silver table. She was happy in a way that this was her house as it was her favourite colours as they really complimented her, she just hoped that Sirius would be placed into this house with her. Seconds later, Sirius was called up to sit on the stool and the hat had not long been placed on his head when it yelled out the word she longed to hear “SLYTHERIN!” She stood up and clapped before he was soon beside her, giving her a hug. Cassi’s eyes fell to the group of first years that were yet to be sorted and noticed that a young ginger was watching her curiously, a small frown placed on her lips. Cassi couldn’t help but wonder what her problem was, they had never met before so why was she watching her the way she was? Ignoring this, her eyes scanned the room and soon they connected with a bright green pair and they kept the contact for a few seconds before Cassi looked away with a blush, it was then that she realised this had been the blue haired boy, but now his hair was black!

Cassi was thankful when the ginger had been placed into Gryffindor, at least she wouldn’t have to put up with her and the looks all the time. She frowned however when she noticed that she was sitting next to the boy that had captured Cassi’s attention and by the way they were easily talking to each other, she could only assume that the pair already knew each other somehow. The feast was amazing, neither Cassi nor Sirius could believe it when the food just magically appeared and they were soon stuffing their mouths with whatever they could. It was the best food they had ever tasted; then again both Sophie and Mike weren’t the best cooks. After the food had all gone and the students were full an older woman stepped forward and the room went quiet, she gave a speech and explained the rules and where they were not allowed to go, welcomed the new first years to Hogwarts and then spoke about the new professors that had joined that year including Professor Michaels, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. A tired looking male stood up to let himself be known before sitting down again. Once the speech was over, the prefects were instructed to take the first years to the common rooms. Cassi smiled as she stood up and followed the Slytherin prefect, making sure that she kept close to her brother at all times. When they finally stopped at a portrait in the dungeons, the prefects explained that this was where the common room was and how to get into it was to simply tell the portrait the password. When the portrait of a male appeared the girl spoke in a cold voice, it was the first time she had spoken since they left the Great Hall and her voice sent shivers up Cassi’s pack “Pureblood” the twins could only guess that this was the password as soon the portrait swung open and allowed all the first years to walk in easily.

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