VII - Sin

642 34 68

"I would rather be known in life, as an honest sinner, than a lying hypocrite."


Left: 15

🌟Right: 21

Route: "B"

"Um...right," I answered after a second, of collecting my thoughts. "We'll go...right..."

Wait, but we weren't-

"Cool!" Ivy dashed off to the fork in the road.

I stumbled after her, getting used to standing on my feet. I was so light-headed, and my stomach was churning. What caused that little scene in my head? It was so...random...

"Hurry up!" Ivy whisper-yelled. "I ain't going back with 'em!"

I nodded, quickening my pace. I caught up to Ivy, only because she stopped halfway down the road. She stared straight ahead of her, expressions blank- as she clutched at something in her pocket.

"Wha...what's the...matter..?" I asked in between heavy breaths. I haven't ran this much in forever.

Ivy reached into her pocket, pulling out a small object. Heading Travis' words of warning, I backed away from her. I narrowed my eye, gritting my teeth.

"What do you have there, Ivy?" I gestured to the object she held, with suspicion lacing my voice.

Ivy shushed me, clicking something in her hand. White lights started flashing in her hand. that a fucking bomb?! What the Hell?!

I backed away from her, covering my ears. I whisper-yelled, "what the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

"Shut the Hell up, one-eye!" Ivy shut me up, clicking the object she held.

Instead of an explosion, like I would've expected, a small, white beam projected from her hand. What she held, was like a flashlight of some sort. I cocked my head to the side, surprised that this wasn't a weapon of some sorts.

"What is that?"

"Hard to explain," Ivy spun around, chucking the object into the deep forest. She chuckled, turning back to face me. "It'll keep dem pigs off our trail, though. Trust me on 'dis one."

'Don't trust her'

That's what Travis' spirit had told me... I'm so utterly confused. Is this the 'her' that he was referring to? If so, should I trust her? But, what if he's talking about someone else... Might as well remain a bit wary of her... Ivy is a wanted criminal after all. My fugitive buddy.

"Uh...right..," I cleared my throat.

"Keep going straight ahead," the voice from before, returned.

"Continue on ahead," I followed his instructions.

I threw my hands in the pockets of my hoodie, strolling forwards. I had no idea where exactly I was going. My original destination was left, towards the outskirts of the city. I have no idea what is right... But it seems to be the right way, according to the voice and Travis' spirit thing.

Then, that's when we arrived somewhere...unfamiliar. I looked out, a bit confused on my whereabouts. I've done quite a bit of exploring around the outside of the cemetery, but have never seen this place before. How is that even possible? It's almost like...magic.

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