An ice-cream friendship

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Chapter 5

An ice-cream friendship.

How can I be so slow. I just realized what the human next to me did. He kissed me. How could he! Its my cheeks and he needs MY permission to kiss MY cheek.

"Your really slow aren't you? "
"I... I....SHUT UP!! "
"Hey, calm down. I apologize ok? So sensitive...... "
"What do you mean by sensitive?! I have all the rights to be angry. It is my cheek and its a part of my body so I get to say if you can kiss me or not."
"So all I need is your permission? "
"So can i kiss you??"
"Ye.. NO!"
"Almost got you there."
"Don't talk to me."

I was sulking in silence. He is so annoying. Just who does he think he is? God? Hmph if only I could do something in return. I mean it was my first kiss abide if only on the cheek. But a kiss is a kiss regardless of where it was and he stole my first. Now I can't get married and my future husband will reject me like one of those werewolf stories. I don't want to be rejected. My hear will break and then I will go into depression and then I'll grow old and my only companionship will be cats and then people will call me cat lady and then.....
"Oi we are here."
"Adrian I don't want to be a cat lady."
"I don't want to be a cat lady."

I know that it may not happen but I am scared of the possibility. Not that I don't like cats but i don't want to live alone with cats all my life.
I look at Adrian and I see him shaking with his hand against his mouth. Did he feel nauseous?

"Adrian, are you ok?"

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. He looked fine to me. Maybe I was seeing things.

"I am fine. What makes you say you will be a cat lady?"

He then fully turns facing me. I look at him and he really has pretty eyes. I know this because his eyes are beautiful. He even has long lashes. Can a guy even have such pretty eyes?
"Midget, why am I the reason for you turning into a cat lady? And why will you become a cat lady? Are you getting it confused with cat woman?"
"Cat lady because I cannot get married now and you know people say that if you don't marry you will adopt a lot of cats and become a cat lady. I don't want that to happen."

Adrian look at me as if I had lost all sanity but its a genuine concern of mine and I m scared that it will be reality one day. All because one human stole my first kiss. I heard Adrian sigh beside me a if exasperated. He held my hand gently,

"You won't become a cat lady."
"Yup, but you can become a dog lady."
"I am kidding. Now let's go."

I slowly get out of the car. Oooh we were outside an ice-cream parlour. I ran inside the store and stuck my face on the board with the list of flavours. What should I have? I mean there were so many flavours but I can't have them all. I look up at Adrian waiting for him to choose.

"Adrian, which flavour are you going to get?"
"You can't have vanilla. Its such a boring flavour."
"Its not. Any topping will go with vanilla. And its such a basic flavour, I like it."
"Then I want mint wait I want chocolate chip... no wait I change my mind, I want strawberry no no no hold on a sec I want cookie n cream oh no wait I wa...."

Adrian covered my mouth with his palm. Again. What is with him?

"Can you pick one already? How many more are you going to suggest and confuse the guy? Just pick on and let's go. There is a line behind us waiting to order."

I pry his hand off my face and look at the guy behind the counter. He looked so confused. And I turn behind to see a couple of people behind us. Some looking annoyed and some laughing.


Huh? What??
Adrian was holding out a cone was a rocky road! I look at him in awe. I gently take the cone from him.

"How did you know that it was my favourite flavour?"
"The way you were listing out flavours gave me an idea. You like all the flavours don't you?"

I turn to the guy on the counter looking shy. How am I supposed to ask this without looking like a weirdo.
"Um...excuse me...could I...could I have some extra..."
"Extra what?"

I hold out my cone looking at him like a sad child.


Adrian started laughing at me and my shyness. I hope his ice-cream falls and he doesn't get any.


We went to the park opposite to the ice-cream parlour. It was a nice day for ice-cream. Ooh there was a swing and a slide and many more fun things to do.

"Adrian let's go to the swing."
"Eat your ice-cream first."
"If I say yes will you stop whining?"
"Yes yes yes."

Adrian looked so amused when looking at me. I grin back at him, grab his hand and drag him to the swing.

"If you were a dog, your tail would have been wagging with happiness."
"Nothing. Let's go."

I seat my self on the swing and i felt a hand on my back. I look behind and come face to face with Adrian. He was really close to my face. And he was moving even closer to my face. Oh I know what he wants and I can give it to him. Ya I can give it to him no problem.

"You can have some of my ice-cream, Adrian."
"Isn't that why you were coming near me? To have a taste of my ice-cream. So here you go, you can have some."

I hold out my ice-cream to him, encouraging him to have to taste. But he looked like I told him no even though I said yes. He looks up swipes the corner of my mouth with his thumb and licks it. He looks at me with a smirk and leans forward. He places his face on my shoulder,

"It tastes good."

I look back at him and grin. As if my choice of ice-cream will be bad.

"I know. I want to swing."

I spent my time being pushed on the swing and it was fun. But I couldn't eat cuz I would fall if I let go. So I had to get off the swing. I pulled him towards the slide and went to the top and I sat down to slide. And I did come down but I couldn't pace myself and fell of the slide. My cone my precious ice-cream was on the ground.

"Shit...midget you ok?"
" cone."
"Are you ok?"
"Adrian, my ice-cream!!"
"It's just an ice-cream."
"How can you say that? Its ice-cream!!"
"Fine fine, you can have mine."

He pulled me up and gave me his cone. I should have never doubted him. He is such a nice guy.

"Let's be friends, Adrian."

He looks at me with a small smile. I hold my hand out to him for a handshake. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"What are you doing?"
"I greet all my friends with a hug."
"Really? I don't hug Hailey. I should, it will make her happy, maybe."
"Hug me back, midget."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"My ice-cream."
"Of course, only you."

He let's go of me and I resume eating his ice-cream. This was a start of a new friendship and I was pretty happy even though I lost my ice-cream sliding down.

See if I ever go down a slide again. 

Hey everyone I would like to apologise for the late update. I was busy being a university student. I have lots of assignments so I have no time for anything. 
I am not giving up on this story but I don't know when th next chapter will be put up.
And sorry for any mistakes made.
Thank you all for the votes and your support. Greatly appreciated!!
ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

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