"train dodge, dig it?"

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"What'd you bring that for, Verno?" I ask pointing to his shirt pocket with a white comb sticking out.
"Well if we get on TV, we wanna look good don't we?" He smiles. I nod at him and laugh.
"A lot of thinkin' Vern!" Gordie smiles.

Teddy then fake punches Vern, which makes him flinch.
"Two for flinching!" Punch, punch.
Vern rubs his arm and winces, while I laugh at their nonsense.

We follow the tracks, singing songs and talking about life.
"I'm hungry, who brought the food?" Vern asks.
"Shit! Did anyone bring anything?" Teddy asks.
Chris and I shake our heads.
"Gordie?" He shakes his head as well.
"Well this is great! What are we suppose's to do, eat our feet?" Teddy yells.
"So you're saying you didn't bring anything either?" I ask.
"Well shit, this wasn't my idea, it was his!" He points to Vern.
"Why am I supposed to think of everything? I brought the comb!"
"What do you need the comb for? You don't even have any hair!" Teddy yells. They start to bicker but Gordie cools them down.
"Let's see how much money we have." He says.

We all sit down. I happen to sit next to Chris, our knees lightly touching, causing me to blush.

I look in my backpack, 1 dollar and 13 cents. Not too bad.

I hand Gordie my money, while he counts up everyone else's money.
"A dollar from me, 68 cents from Chris, 60 cents from Teddy, a dollar and 13 cents from Addy.." Gordie looks up at Vern, as he shamefully hands over his money. Gordie looks at his hand and back at Vern, "Seven cents, Vern?"
"I haven't found my pennies yet."
"Well 3.48 isn't bad at all," Gordie says shrugging.

"Train coming," Chris says getting up as the train appears in the distance. Everyone, but Teddy, gets off the tracks.
"Come on Teddy!" I say, not wanting to deal with any of his crazy antics.
"No, uh-uh. I'm gonna dodge it," Teddy says keeping his eye on the train.
"Come on, Teddy, man. Get off the tracks your crazy!" Chris says.
"Train dodge, dig it?" Teddy has a crazy look in his eyes.

The train draws near, everyone growing anger and scared.
"Get the hell of the tracks Teddy, do you wanna get yourself killed?" Chris yells.
"Just like the beach in Normandy," Teddy makes the sound of a gun. Chris throws his sleeping bag to the ground and runs up to Teddy.

Chris starts to pull at Teddy's arms, then he ends up wrapping him arms around him. Chris gets him off the tracks, struggling greatly.
Vern holds Teddy back from killing Chris and Gordie and I do the same, but with Chris.

Chris and Teddy shout at each other, but I can hardly hear it because of the train zooming past us.

"I'm just trying to save your life man! Do you wanna kill yourself? Is that want you want, huh?" Chris yells. I place my hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down a bit.

Teddy stares at Chris, angry and pissed. Chris holds out his hand, "Skin it."
"I could've dodged it."
"Hey man, you can dodge it on the way back!..Skin it, peace," Chris stops Teddy. They do the little handshake we all made up years ago.

Teddy, Vern and Gordie walk ahead of Chris and I. Chris and I trail a few yards behind, not talking.

"You okay? Did that scare you too bad?" Chris asks looking at my face.
"Hell yeah it scared me, one of my best friends almost killed himself!" Chris nods.
"Addy, you sure you wanna do this? I mean, it'll be.." he trails off, looking at me. "Nah, you got it. You're strong," he continues. I smile at him as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I hold onto his wrist that hangs loosely by my right shoulder.

"Come on, lovebirds! You're taking forever!" Teddy shouts back at us. Chris and I look at each other, both blushing.

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