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I felt my heart would leap out of my chest as nothing but adrenaline coursed through every inch of my body.

Every breath began feeling more and more like my last, appreciative of every intake like an addict exhausting the last dose. The want to remember how it felt before deserting it for good, besieged my mind.

Staring down at the garden below me, a sad smile crept over my face. My arms were outstretched, fingers fanned out as my only window to the outside shut, my vision engulfed by the dark.

I inched closer to the edge, no longer feeling the ground past my toes as they curled up inside my shoes.

At this point, I felt numb, nothing clear enough to grasp, nor the voice that always seemed to be around at the back of my head to tell me what I was doing, was wrong.

Teetering, a slight breeze pushed my way as if to tell me not to, but I did. I began to lean forward, a slight smile on my shaking form. The ground quickly left from under my feet.

The monochrome world around me seemed to be in color for the first time. Even with my eyes closed, I could feel the difference.

The huge weight that had suppressed me down most of my life, lifted off of me. I felt free, finally.

The impact, however, was nothing like I had anticipated. I was wrapped in warmth instead of the cold air I expected. My lungs expanded with every breath and my quickened heart beat, so loud I could hear the rhythmic thumping in my ears.

I sighed into the warmth radiated onto me before I inhaled a familiar, comforting scent.

Did I already miss him that much, I began to imagine him holding me?


It felt so real....

"Y/N... look at me," the voice spoke in between sobs.

My eyes shot open in realization as I gasped, frantically looking down at my hands before examining everywhere my eyes could reach.

It wasn't the ground below I fell onto, but the rooftop I had been standing on this whole time. The breeze I felt before, was my mind shutting down as I was pulled back into strong arms. My legs were tangled up with his own while I layed there, head rested on his chest.

"Taehyung..?" I whispered as I pushed myself off and sat, legs crossed, on the ground.

His chocolate eyes filled with despair, stared back into my questioning ones.

"Why?" It was all I managed to say, as the tears continued to stream down to the corners of his mouth, before being absorbed by his shirt.

"I didn't let you go then and I won't let you go now," he said, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"I don't understand." I slowly shook my head as I tried to grasp the meaning behind his words.

He scooted closer and brought his hand up, pressing his soft palm to my cheek.

"Y/N, knowing you were the one behind the notes, only made me love you more."

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