Magcon Bullies

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Sophia's POV


I reached my nightstand and turned my alarm off. It was 6:30 Monday morning and I had to get up for school. I did my usual routine...

•take shower

•put on clothes

•blow dry hair

•curled it

•put on mascara

I decided on wearing a black t-shirt, high waisted shorts, my all time favorite vans, and a flannel shirt. "Shit" I muttered under my breath while I was about to leave my house. I forgotten to cover my scars with concealer so I quickly put that. Knowing that my car was at the shop I had to walk.  I walked out of my house I put in my earbuds and listened to music. I had stopped to tie my shoe when right out of the blue (note the sarcasm) this car strarted honking at me as if telling me to move out of the way. "GET OUT OF THE WAY FAT BITCH" I instantly recognized that voice as the one and only Cameron Dallas, my main tormentor.

A/N I dont know if its good but leave comments please

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