Chapter 20

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Ms. Marquee raised an eyebrow as I walked in scowling. I pursed my lips and jabbed a thumb behind me. Maxon came walking in with wide eyes. Jacquelyn was practically hanging off his arm and he was giving me a pleading look.

I gave him a weak smile and went to sit in my normal seat. But no. Jacquelyn was already sitting with Maxon. Maxon pleaded with his eyes for me to understand and I narrowed my eyes. She waved and gave me a fake smile. Than her gaze turned triumphant and she leaned on Maxon.

I turned and went up to Ms. Marquee, plastering a smile on my face. "Have you met princess Jacquelyn?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Yes. Briefly. She seems.....nice."
She winked at me.

My smile widened. "She's new and all are Illean cultural traditions are all so confusing. You should probably place her at the front of the room where you can help her out. I bet Mason would love to help her out." And check her out, I thought silently.

She could barely hold in her laughter. "I'll keep that suggestion in mind," Ms. Marquee laughed and gestured for me to sit down.

"Lady Jacquelyn!" Ms. Marquee called.

"It's Princess Jacquelyn," Jacquelyn corrected immediately

"Not in my class," Ms. Marquee said so sweetly I don't think Jacquelyn understood that it was an insult. "Why don't you sit up here with Sir Mason?"

"Who's he?" Jacquelyn inquired.

"Prince of Dakota," Ms. Marquee said while not so discreetly rolling her eyes. Jacquelyn didn't seem to notice.

"Is that a country?"

"No it's a province," Ms. Marquee hissed. "Now please come and sit by Mason. He will catch you up on our current project."

Jacquelyn glared at Ms. Marquee than turned to Maxon. Her face changed into one of complete sadness that even I thought it was real for a moment.

"I can't sit with you," Jacquelyn pouted. "You'll have to find a different seat partner."

I swooped in as if on a rope. "That would be me. His actual seat partner."

She wore a look of fake sincerity. "Did I steal your spot. My bad."

"Uh huh," I gave her a small smile which she did not return.

She stood up and made a huge show of picking up her purse. She began to walk away and dig the heel of her shoe into my toe. I didn't even twitch, though my big toe was on fire.

"I'm sorry about Jacqy," Maxon whispered in my ear after I sat down, as he discreetly wrapped an arm around me. "She is harmless. Just wanted to sit with a familiar face, you know?"

Did he honestly not see the looks? Was I just imagining all this? No. Cadence knows her sister is up to know good too. But what's her deal? If she wanted Maxon wouldn't she have just pushed him against the wall and kissed him?

And don't get me started on 'familiar face'! Cadence was in this class. That face Should be familiar enough.

"Get to work on your essay of the book. Make sure to include a theme. Make me really feel the value this book will have on ones life," Ms. Marquee said in her usual carefree tone.

"I didn't read the book though, Ms. Marsquee( Mars-qu-ee)" Jacquelyn complained.

"It's pronounced Marquee (mar-key)," My favorite teacher corrected.

I giggled and pulled out the draft of my essay.

America: 1 Jacquelyn: 0

"Okay," Ms. Marquee announced about a half hour later. "I have a second partner project we are to begin on. I'm going to pull names from the hat for partners."

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