Chapter 1

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Jianne's POV

'Yes mom! I know it's my first day...' I responded while doing my routine inside my room.

'Aren't you going down here for your - Of course mom' Shove her answer then hurriedly take my toast bread then walk through the door and bid goodbye to mom.

'This kid...Still nothing's change from her' Mom whisper to herself.

Now here I am waiting for school bus when I notice that there are 1..2..3...wait don't tell me there 7 groups?


As if I have care to know them.

They are just a waste of time...

'Is there something you need from us?' A guy ask which is already near beside me that gives me shivers.

'N-nothing...sorry' Gladly that the bus arrived in time so I get in and sat nearby through Bus' door and window beside me.

~ Inside the bus ~

'Are you - I don't talk to strangers' Without letting him to finish his words and plug my earphone to my ears then played a music.

'Whoa, heard that? She called him stranger' Hearing from his other friends which seating behind me but didn't mind them.
'What did you just call me?' He unplug my earpiece which make me glare at him like 'What-is-your-problem?' Look then I take back my another earpiece that he was just holding and plug again.

'Would you look at that, how can a girl beat a guy like him without doing anything?' Another guy from other the other side.

Are they really after me???
What are their problems????

I can't take this anymore, I don't wanna see them...

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

This make feel at ease...
Walking alone without no one's bothering me.

Then it seems I already reach the school; well I think they are not yet arrive so I am easily found my supposed to be room then sat beside the glass window which you can see a beautiful view.

~ Class A - 1 ~

'Hi, is someone already sitting here?' I glance at person to see then "Na-uh" I simply answer then again glance through a window.

After past few minutes all students one by one arriving and proceeding to their own places which they prefer to then a professor get in and about to say something when...


Instead of knocking the door, they just slam the door by kicking it and......


Each of the boys from outside the room just walk in and roaming around the room, wonder where he can be sit at.

Well he although got my attention when he kicks the door.
Is that a way how he open the door?

Is he driving nuts?

Does he even have no feeling to be embarrassed or shame for himself?

Ughhh!!!What am I thinking just now?!!

Jianne stop it....This is even not a love story, I know you know it.

"Excuse me, actually that place you were sitting at is mine" I heard near beside me which makes me shocked through inside but I don't know if he notice me of being shocked.

TRM : The Real Monsters [ON GOING] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora