Voltron Characters as Things I've Said

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Shiro: I have, like, seven separate eyeliners... and I lost all but one of them.

Lance: I wanna put a bag of glitter in my pocket just for those special occasions when I want to feel fabulous.

Hunk: This smoothie is freakin amazing! *wind blows half finished smoothie away* Oh no you don't! I payed good money for that smoothie! *chases after it*

Pidge: I'm old enough to fight but too young to drink. This is a weird time

Keith: It should be legal to carry a dagger on you at all times.

Allura: *listening to the Heathers soundtrack* What the heck is a chili fry???

Coran: *sees plants* I think it's chives *chews on it for a moment before spitting it out with disgust* Nope. I think it's just grass

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