Broken Mirrors - CaptainSparklez (Jordan)

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*CAUTION: ALOT of swearing and horrible words*

I stood there, taking in all of Jordan's hurtful words.



Tears started to form, then I noticed something. I focused in on his brown eyes. His pupils.

... This motherfucker was drunk. How did I not notice this? He practically almost threw himself on the ground when he walked in.

I chuckled, laughing to myself about him.

"Why are youlaughing?! You stupid fuckingcunt " he slurred at me.

I'm not the type of person to swear a lot, but if you get me angry enough...

Knowing I would get a worse response, I still proceeded with my yelling. I toke a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

"What the hell did I ever do to you for you to call me names like that?!" He stumbled backwards, shocked. "You keep calling me a fucking cunt, tell me I'm worthless! WHY?! I didn't do shit, you're the one who walked in here for the third night in the row, drunk off your ass! God, you fucking sound like my mom when I was 12!" I stopped for a second to take a breath, but that's when his hand swung around and hit me straight across the cheek. Tears formed in the brim of my eyes and he put his hand to the back of my head, grabbed a chunk of hair and pulled hard, my head bending backwards.

He brought his head down to my neck and whispered in my ear. In a harsh voice, he slurred. "Say that shit to me onemore fuckingtime and you're fucking getting it." After he said that, he let go of my hair and pushed me, me falling on the couch as he walked away.

He walked into the hallway and went into our room, shutting the door behind himself.

I continued sitting on the couch, my hand resting on my red cheek.

'Dont fucking cry. Don't fucking cry. Don't. Fucking. Cry.' I tell my self. A tear runs down cheek and clench my fist. 'Weak.'

I sigh and take the blanket off the back of couch and trying to fall asleep.


I woke the next morning, rubbed my eyes, realizing I slept with my contacts in.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself, constantly blinking and going to the bathroom.

Putting my hands on the counter of the sink, I looked up with red eyes, and sighed, took out my contacts and stood there, staring at my reflection.

I stared at my ugly face. My boring brown eyes. Small nose. Thin lips. Weird shaped face. Weak and lifeless hair. Why is Jordan still here? Why does he love a monster like me? I stared more and more, pointing out the little things. My reflected aggravated me. What if...I never saw myself again.

I sighed and looked down at my hand, clenched it into a fist, reeled it back and brought it full force into the mirror, watching it shatter into a thousand little pieces, along with a loud crash.

*Jordan's POV*

I sat up from the empty bed with a raging headache.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself. I stubbled out of the room, gripping my head. As I walked up to the bathroom I heard the water running. She's probably gonna take a shower, I thought. A sudden crashing sound came from inside the small room. I bust open the door and saw ________ holding her fist and swearing To herself.

"What the hell happened __________?!!" I almost screamed. She said nothing and just put her head in my chest, crying. I cautiously rubbed her head, whispering. "Babe, what happened?"

"I punched the mirror." She whispered.

I walked backwards into the hallway, and shut the door behind her, so we wouldn't step in any glass. I slowly let her out of my grip, opened the door and tiptoed to open spots, getting into the drawer and grabbing some Band-Aids. I walked back into the hallway, closing the door again and opening a Band-Aid, taking her hand in mine and putting them one each of her bloody knuckles.

"Why did you punch the mirror?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to look at myself again."

"Now I can't look at myself." I chuckled, putting a smile on her face.

There was silence for a minute as I put on the last one. Then she spoke.

"You need to calm the hell down when your drunk."

"I've been told before." I said shamefully.

She turned her face and showed me a red mark.

"D-Did I do that?" I whispered, gently running my fingers over the small injury.

She nodded.

"If I ever walk in the door with a six pack, restrict me. Please. Oh my god, I feel terrible."

"And you said things too.."

"Like what?"

"Pathetic, worthless..a cunt."

I brought my head in my hands. "I am so sorry."

"You're lucky I love you." She giggled.

I looked up at her, took her in my arms again, kissing the top of her head. "I love you too."



I miss writing imagines.

I miss you guys.

I love all of you.

I'm so sorry for not posting, like I've said, I've been busy. And this week me and my boyf- ex, kinda broke up and that affected me.

I have an idea for another imagine, so comment who you are dying for me to write about :) Ill do the most requested.

See y'all next time.

Bye Recruits :)


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