Episode 113 - The Last Attack

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The day of the practical exams is finally here and Kiel is inside a large arena created by the Replica Dungeon. Nelaira tricks Deora into attacking the Rroda brothers, and Deora ends up pursuing Kiel with a barrage of fireballs. Kiel runs away, dodging the fireballs, however, Deora manages to hit him with an explosive airball. Kiel loses his consciousness and remembers how he got trapped inside the burning house as a child. After waking up he gets into a life and death situation that makes him overcome his fear of fire and launch a counter attack on Deora. He manages to poison Deora, knocking him out of the competition.

Seeing Kiel win his fight, Rhur finished Nelaira off in a fit of rage. Kiel manages to recover through applying a healing ointment. Kiel and Rhur team up to attack Zor. After realizing they are no match for Zor, Rhur turns on Kiel, sneak attacking him. Kiel almost manages to defeat Rhur, however, because of his mythril armor, Rhur survives and manages to catch Kiel off guard with his lightning. Rhur proceeds to torture Kiel with alternating between zapping him and kicking him in the stomach.

* * *

He had already been pushed almost to the edge of the arena.

Rhur's delight grew with each passing second. "Tsk, tsk. Don't faint yet. We are just getting started."

He proceeded to kick him once again. Kiel closed his eyes, feeling his body hitting the ground again, knocking the air out of his lungs.

Then his body proceeded to roll, and then suddenly, his back hit something.

Something soft.

The sensation startled Kiel into opening his eyes.

He looked through the hair falling over his face only to see that he had hit Deora's lying form.

He had been pushed back so much that he had reached the scene of his previous fight!

Before he could think of it any further, another lightning bolt fell on his body, zapping both him and Deora next to him.

This zapping brought Kiel considerable surprise, for just as it started, he had heard a peculiar noise. His eyes widened, and he stared at Deora dumbfounded. What...? The poison wasn't fatal? Is it wearing off?

Apparently, there was nothing like a good electrocution to pull back someone from the death's door, for the previously unresponsive Deora, let out a groan. His dark red eyelashes started fluttering, and his face scrunched up like a squeezed sponge.

Clearly, he wasn't a morning person, but then again, with how "gently" he had been woken up, Kiel would be surprised if he was in a good mood.

As Kiel felt subtle changes in the aura wafting out of Deora's body, a seemingly insane idea materialized inside his head.

He attempted to open his mouth with all his might, but only when Rhur slightly paused with the lightning did he finally manage to spew out a large mouthful of blood.

Before he could close his mouth, Rhur zapped him again.

When the next zap paused, Kiel managed to let out a weak groan: "Hey..."

Then the lightning hit again.

And then it paused.






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