Chapter 7

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The sun was peeking in again, why did it never let us sleep, don’t come out one day. But no it had to come and blink on my head. I tried to cover myself by my pillow. Trying to get away from the unwanted light. I turned my face and put it inside a comfortable nook of my pillow.

It was peaceful there, I tried to get more sleep. But bad luck, I was already awake. Might as well get up and about. I blinked my eyes, trying to push treacherous sleep away from them. And what I saw I closed my eyes again. Shut up you are dreaming. I peeked again only opening one eye this time. No it was still the same. I wasn’t dreaming, I’m sleeping in the arms of Kartik?

Well I have to say I had good night sleep after long. Waking up in arms of this hunk I did like it.

I broke of my reverie by a rumbling sound from my stomach. I was hungry but I didn’t have any food here.  Usually I had breakfast outside, but I cannot go out its his place. So I stepped inside the kitchen to find some food.

I wasn’t a great cook but I could fix something for myself real quick I was sure. I decided on pancakes with apple sauce a real quick fix. Putting on my headphones, swaying to the music while working I was lost in my own world.

I was almost done making the pancakes when I saw him casually leaning on the doors.

Since when was he here? And why was he not speaking up about being here?

“You look cute when dancing around the kitchen!” he said. I look cute??? I look cute??? That’s all he has to say for spying on me while I was working? And why was this blush rising on my face, it was the blush it was flush due to anger I concluded.

“What are you doing standing there? Might have had come in and helped me?” I said haughtily.

“Help you with what? You have successfully managed to single handedly destroy half the place. Keep in mind if we are ever together. I’m doing the cooking. Do not want the place to come down in a day.” He said.

“Fine I’ll call you whenever I’m hungry. After all you are the chef aren’t you.” I said rhetorically. I knew anyone would be better than me. I had no idea about food.

“Of course I’m. I am a foodie. And if America wouldn’t give me that I’ll make it for myself.” He replied.

“And you young lady are banned from my kitchen” he said.

“Aren’t you too full of yourself?” I replied.

“Aren’t you judgemental” he said.

“Judgemental? Me? Who is judging right now?” I retorted.

He huffed. “Why do you keep fighting with me?” he asked.

“Because it’s fun.” I replied giving him a sly smile. To which he immediately responded giving one the cutest one of his.

“You are mental. Didn’t you say your age was 22?”  he asked.

“Nope. I never did.” I replied to which he just shook his head. “Yahi mili upar mat milna” he exclaimed.

I just laughed at his antics. To be honest I was appalled at how much he was affected by my idiotic words. But then again he always made sure he was hearing me and not just faking to do so.

We had our breakfast together and decided to go on some stroll in park close to his house. We were only having a walk when we realised how full it was with couples. You could see them just about everywhere. Some cuddling, some just staring at each other, some so heavily engaged in their activities that they didn’t realise there were people around. Looking at all this he just gave me his hand, and after gazing into his eyes, I held on to him and we acted like we were just like them.

After having our lunch we went back to his house. When he held out his hands in front of me, “I’m confused as to what should we do this evening? So these are the final two options I’m down to. What do you want, right or left?”

“What are two options you are down to?” I asked.

“Hmm. Let’s find out shall we?? You select first. Then I’ll show you both.” He said.

“That’s fine too.” I said and touched his right hand. He opened his hand and it said club.

“So we are going to dance baby” he said. Of course I liked dancing. But I wanted to see what other option was, so I tapped his other hand, which he dutifully opened. It said ball.

“We would have gone dancing here too. But I was confused as to what setting a formal or casual one. So!” he said.

“Do you like dancing?” I asked.

“I love it.” He replied.

“We are on!!” I said. Great news that he liked dancing and wasn’t even afraid of accepting it. Unlike so many other guys. If he wasn’t lying right now then we were in for a fun night.

Authors notes-
Hush finally! Yes I’m alive😂😂

First of all I’m so sorry my dearies, I really couldn’t make anytime these past few weeks to even think about the story.

And secondly I beg you to forgive me for the chapter length. It’s short I know, I will start updating regularly from next week I hope. So I think you would get fairly regular updates. Weekly one at least.  I’ll try😝😝

And how do you think we are progressing? Is the story still holding you?

Yrkkh is on top since last 11 weeks now😍😍 we got a great couple and are shivin working tirelessly for our show

You do remember the drill, don’t you?

Keep commenting. Keep loving kaira, shivin and Yrkkh

Happy reading😘

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