Chapter Thirteen: Answers

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++Chapter Thirteen: Answers++

After another ten hours of driving mixed with random conversation about ourselves, I felt the car take a sharp turn onto the side of the road. Suddenly the car engine stopped. "Are we at the motel already?" I asked, startled.

"We are," Xavier replied, coolly. I heard his car door creak open, and him shuffle out. The car door slammed, and I smiled, anticipating my soon to be freedom. Finally I get to be free of this horrible blindfold.

I heard my door open, and a cold gush of wind whistled into the car. I shivered slightly, as I was wearing a thin short sleeved shirt. I felt Xavier's hand brush up against my neck, as he fiddled with my blindfold.

Suddenly the black fabric dropped into my lap, and my eyes squinted due to the car's interior light being on. I slowly peeled open my eyes. It was pitch black out, and I couldn't see anything out on the horizon. The hotel was lit up with street lights. It was nice, way nicer than the other ones we have stayed at.

I looked over at Xavier, who was wearing the same thing as he was in, this morning, a baseball cap and his typical sunglasses. His lips were firmly in a line, not revealing a single thing he is feeling. "Can I trust you to stay here while I am gone?" he asks.

I glanced around, seeing around ten other cars in the small parking lot. I didn't see a single light around us other than the hotel sign and the street lamps that lit up only the building. If I ran away at this point I would most likely end up as cougar bait in a forest. I slowly nodded my head. Xavier gave me a faint smile, and slammed the car door closed. He clicked the door closed, and it became quiet.

For the first time in three days I was alone, utterly alone. I peered out of the window, at Xavier's silhouette that was wandering off towards the hotel. My stomach rumbled, I hadn't eaten in around eight hours, since we stopped for lunch. It must be around nine o'clock right now to be this dark in September. I silently prayed that Xavier would get us food, as I was absolutely famished.

The hotel looked quite classy. I begun to have hope that there would be a restaurant, or some sort of form of food service in it. I could care less what there is to eat, all I wanted was food. Suddenly Xavier, exited out the hotel door and strode towards the car. He opened my door for me, and the interior light gleamed on. In the faint light I made out a small smile hanging on his lips.

"Alright, I got our room key," he said, showing me the plastic card. He grabbed my hand, and helped me out of the car. Once I got out of the car, Xavier dropped my hand and closed the car door behind me. He opened the door, to the backseat, and leaned into the car. He pulled out the black duffle bag with all the stuff in it, and stood back up. He slammed that door too, and locked it with the beeper on his car keys.

We walked towards the hotel, my legs feeling slightly wobbly from not using them at all today. We entered the very glamourous hotel. The floors are made of marble, and there was an elegant chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There were huge grand windows, directly across from the entrance, looking out into the darkness of the night.

There was a hallway leading to some rooms, and a sign that says 'Restaurant'. I looked over at Xavier, to see his eyes on the sign too.

"Can we please get some-"

"Food?" he asked, finishing my sentence.

I quickly nodded my head, "Yes please, I am absolutely starving!" I exclaimed, my stomach gurgling again.

We headed down the hallway, until we reach the large room, labelled 'Restaurant'. There were booths lining the walls, and there were some tables in the middle. There was a large two way fireplace in the middle of the room, a flame flickering inside it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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