A Woman Worth Fighting For

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As Scorpius entered the Great Hall, he passed Rose Weasley, catching her eye for a brief moment before she blushed and looked away. He wasn't sure why, but he felt rather proud of himself in that moment and he couldn't seem to fight the smirk on his face.

Simon narrowed his eyes at him as Scorpius sat down. "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"No reason. It's just a nice day," Scorpius said brightly as he tucked into sausages and scrambled eggs.

Albus rolled his eyes. He didn't miss the exchange between his cousin Rose and Scorpius. Honestly, they were absolutely ridiculous. Neither would acknowledge that they liked the other and instead they insisted on remaining pseudo-enemies. He just hoped they'd cut everyone a break and do something about it soon. Otherwise twenty years from now they'd turn out like Aunt Hermione and Scorp's dad. Speaking of which...

"Hey Scorp. I saw something this morning I think I should probably tell you about," Albus said in a voice low enough for only Scorpius to hear.

Scorpius straightened his posture and attempted to avoid Albus's gaze. "Albus," he sighed. "if it's about those Sneezing Flytraps I guarantee you, you're the only one who really—"

"It's not about that. It's about your dad and Professor Granger."

Scorpius's breath hitched. "I know what you're going to say Al, but they're not shagging. I asked Dad just last night and he told me so."

"Then maybe you should ask him again this morning because I'll bet he'd change his answer."

Scorpius tried to push his agitation down. He knew Albus was only being a friend, but he had to be wrong. His dad wouldn't lie to him. "What did you see then?"

Albus deadpanned. "Your dad climbing out of Professor Granger's dorm room window looking like he'd been shagged within an inch of his life."

Scorpius's reactions to that declaration came in waves.

He felt nothing for about twenty seconds. Although he had plenty of time to ready himself for the possibility that this would happen, he was still shocked enough where his senses were somewhat numbed.

Next he felt surprise. Surprise that he wasn't at all jealous of his dad. Perhaps his crush on Professor Granger was really over. How did that happen?, he wondered as images of red hair and deep blue eyes flashed in the background of his mind.

Finally, he felt hurt. Hurt that his father, who had always been completely honest with him, suddenly felt the need to lie. Was he lying last night? Or was this a recent enough development that it was technically true at the time? It was probably the latter, but either way, he wished his father felt like he could tell him.

"Did he look happy?" Scorpius finally asked.

Albus raised an eyebrow. "That'd be an understatement, but yes."

Scorpius sighed. "Well I guess that's that then. My dad really is shagging Professor Granger," Scorpius spoke with uncharacteristically Slytherin detachment.

Simon's eyebrows rose. "Fucking really? What does that mean Scorp? Is she your dad's girlfriend now? Will you get special favors or something?"

Scorpius rolled his eyes. "To answer your questions, Simon: I don't know. Maybe. And definitely not."

Albus nudged Scorpius. "You alright, mate?"

Scorpius nodded. "Yeah. Just peeved that Dad couldn't tell me that he fancied her. I'm not sure I would have minded."

Simon spoke, "You've certainly changed your tune on that. There was a time you'd have dueled him to the death over her."

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