The perfect man

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Joel's pov:

"But why? If she wasn't ready for marriage she wouldn't just run away. She's not that sort of person." Georgia says and she's right.

Nat wouldn't leave if she wasn't ready, she'd just tell me.

I know she wouldn't want to let me down by telling me she wasn't ready to marry me but I'd be willing to wait.

I love Nat, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

And now she's slipping away...

/2 weeks later/

"Um... Joel? I think you need to see this." Danni says and hands me a magazine.


It's been 2 weeks since the reported break up of Joel Peat and Natalie Collins and it seems she's already moved on.

The 19 year old was seen enjoying a day out in London with a mystery man.

Neither of Joel or Nat's reps have made statements but it seems as though the 'perfect couple' are not so perfect after all.

Keep your eyes out ladies, looks like Joel is back on the market!/

"But... we haven't officially broken up... she can't have just... moved on." I don't even know what to say, I don't even know what's happening.

Nat never told me why she reacted the way she had, the last time I spoke to her was over the phone, that phone call we shared.

I need to talk to her.

/later that day/

I call her and wait, just praying that she'll pick up.

To my surprise, she does.


"Nat, I need to talk to you." I say.

"Go ahead." She says.

Then everything I wanted to say just evaporated from my mind.

All the questions I had seemed pointless.

All the answers I wanted seemed to be unimportant.

All I wanted was Nat.

That was it.

Simple as that.

"Joel?" she asks again.

"Nat I need you back. Please. If you don't want to get married, I am cool with that. If you don't want to sleep in the same bed, I'm cool with that even though I don't know how I'm able to keep my hands off you because you are the most beautiful girl in the world. If you want me to watch girly films with you although I know you wouldn't because you think girly films are a load of shit, I'm cool with that. Please just... just come back."

It felt good to get that out.

I wait in silence for a reply.

Nat's pov:

He knows me.

He gets me.

He knows that I wouldn't watch girly films with him because I prefer action and sci-fi.

He respects my choices and my wishes.

But even I don't know what possessed me to run away.

I was careless and selfish.

I walked away from the person who's always been there for me when nobody else was.

He even looked after me better than my parents did, and that's saying something. I can't even reply all I can think is;














This guy is perfect for me.

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