Chapter 37

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Hey! So this is a pretty long chapter and I think you guys deserve it :)
So as it was previously fix that I will update on every Saturday, I want to still do it but the month on June is also quite busy for me as it's Ramadhan and then Eid. So the Saturday thing would start from July. But till then I WOULD OBVIOUSLY KEEP UPDATING!
Anyways, enjoy :)

Aiden's (P.O.V):

"So Aiden, what's going on in your life?" Joe asked.

"Right now? Winning this game." I replied as Dave and I continued playing Mario Kart.

"Do you like someone?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who are you taking to the Winter Dance?"

"Joe we've been friends for so long that you should now know that I don't plan on going to this Dance ever."

"Niether do I!" Dave said and we highfived with our controllers for just a second, and then started playing again.

"Right. I was thinking, as no one is going to this Dance, why not we have a sleepover at ours?" Christina suggested, coming out of no-where.

"Actually that's a great idea Chris." Casper replied.

"I am in!" I said followed by a nod by Dave who has been trying to find a way to win.

"HAH! I WIN!" I whooped and threw the controller on the couch and stood up. "By the way, when is the winter dance?"

"Coming Friday. 4 days of school and then we are done until January!" Dave replied.

"I am so excited. I should probably inform Diana and Kelly."

"No don't inform Diana." I told her quickly. " I am heading towards her right now so I'll let her know."

"Why are you going at her house?" Dave raised his brow.

"Her mom wanted something from me."

"What could she possibly want from you?"

"Milk?" I said the first thing that came in my mind. Milk?! Really! Like there can be millions of things said like mom wanted me to drop a few folders at her house or anything but milk! Why am I so lame and stupid!

"Milk?" Dave asked.

"Yes. She asked me if I could get her some milk."

"Bullsh*t! I don't buy that. You are going to meet her because you miss her and have a crush on her." Christina guessed.


"Mate, its nothing to be embarrassed about! You like her and its alright. Just let her know as well."

"You haven't liked anyone in a while." Joe grinned.

"Well I just didn't think anyone was worth my money. I mean if you take girls out, it costs you. The girls I went on a date with, I always was in doubt even when we were together. Do I like her enough to take her out somewhere expensive and spend my precious time with?" I paused a bit. "And for once, I am absolutely sure that Diana is worth it. Cause I really like her and I am sure of that. Although I have spent really less time with her but its something about her that attracts me towards her. Maybe her innocence, her hyperness, her kindness, her jollines, her weirdness, her fangirling moments, her-" My phone beeped.

"And her messages." Casper completed and highfived Joe and Dave. I rolled my eyes and fished out my phone to see it was a message from Matt informing me that his friends have arrived.

"That was such a cute speech Aiden!" Christina Cooed and pinched my cheeks.

"Ow!" I rubbed my cheek. "Anyways I gotta go. See you guys."

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