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Reds pov-
When Barney and me make it to our room I jump in a bed and claim it. He jumps on top of me. I giggle. Me and Barney have been secretly dating since we found out about our powers. We haven't told anyone. He kisses me and gets off of me. He grabs his bag and starts unpacking his bag. I do the same and by the time we are done it was 12. I jump into the bed and he jumps into the same bed. And we go to sleep.
Time skip-
When I wake up I see Barney getting dressed. I blush and I pretend I'm still asleep. He walks over and says "Red I know your awake." I lift my head up.
"Now go get dressed we need to go to breakfast." He pushes me out of the bed.
"Ok."I walk over to my clothes. I can't take my hoodie off so I just change my pants. I go to the bathroom and fix myself up. When I walk out I put my shoes on and we walk out.
"You excited to eat?"
"No to train my powers!" I say with a smile on my face.
"Ok well let's get there fast." He says and starts to run. I start running too. When we get there we see everyone but Shelby and Cory. I walk over to Adam.
"Where are Shelby and Cory?" I whisper to him.
"I don't know I'll go check you go eat I already did."
"Ok!" And with that he walked out. I go over to max and he seemed sad. "You ok max?"
"No something is wrong with Ross and he won't tell me." He says.
"Oh it's ok he will tell you at some point."
"Ok yeah it's just he is really off. Like he ran out last night and hid from everyone." He looks over at Ross and back at me.
"Wow. I'm so sorry." I give him a hug. Then I notice Adam came back. "Did you get them?" I walk over to him.
"Nah they are sleeping but it looked like Cory was waking up."
"Ok so they should be here in about an hour."
"Yeah and what's wrong with Max?"
"He is worried about Ross he says something is off with him."
"Oh poor max."
Time skip-
Cory and Shelby arrived and Cory went to Adam and Shelby to Jess. I could see both of them blushing the more they talked to them. I could see max saw them and looked upset. What's going on? And then Lizzie and the other past 4 walked in. The four that didn't make it (died) well they weren't there."Ok kids time to go train your powers I will take Cory and Shelby. Joel will take max and Ross. Stampy with red and Barney and Dan with Adam and Jess ." Lizzie said. I know that Lizzie had the light power and Joel had the fire power. But I didn't know about the others. Me and Barney walked over to stampy. We walked over to the lightning and earth battle field.
"Ok Barney can you try to lift the ground with your hands?"
"Sure." He takes his hand and lifts them also lifting the ground. "Good now red listen to me once you do this you are going to have to sleep on a cloud. You can create clouds so you have to sleep on one." I nod." Ok swirl your hand around until you create a cloud." I swirl my hand around. I look up after I stop swirling my hand. There was a thunder cloud right above me. It struck me but I felt nothing. "You can get struck but when you strike others you can paralyze or kill them. But if you accidentally kill someone the person with the magic or light powers can revive them."
"Cool!" We continue training until it's time to go to sleep. When I get to our room I try to flop on the bed but I can't.
"Cloud." Barney looks at me.
"Oh yeah." I swirl my hand around in circles till a cloud forms under me. "Goodnight oh wait someone is calling me."I grab my phone it was Adam.

R- what's up?
A-can you come over to mine and Jess's room I need you to make a cloud for me?
A- since I'm air I can only sleep in clouds or I suffocate.
R-ok I'll be right over."
A-thanks see you soon bye

"I gotta go make a cloud for Adam or he can't sleep." I say to Barney getting off of my cloud.
"Ok see ya later red." I walk out of the room and to Adams. When I get there I open the door. Jess was on the bed on her phone and Adam was flying around. I swirl my hands around until I make a cloud bid enough for Adam.
"There you go now sleep!" I say.
"Haha ok bye red." Adam and Jess say as I walk out. Once I get to my room I run in and jump on my cloud and fall asleep.

Oo you guys got a longish chapter. I just had so many ideas so I put them in the chapter. Ok bai!

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