Chapter Twenty-Nine: Yours

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~ This is a drop everything kind of thing... ~

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Yours


I looked up from taking inventory in the back of the shop, slowly setting my clipboard down as I made my way towards the front. I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at my best friend in full work uniform.

"What're you doing here?" I laughed, pushing my hair from my face. Lucas grinned, making me assume that Sophie sill hadn't told him. It'd been three days since she'd been to the doctor's and confirmed she was pregnant; I was getting worried.

"I came to send you home," he told me, tossing me the keys to Max's car. "Lover boy's got a surprise for you."

I snorted lightly, shaking my head. "You're in on it?"

Lucas only grinned wider. "Hell yeah," he laughed. "And it's a damn good surprise. Real sweet, all that mushy stuff girls love."

I rolled my eyes lovingly at my best friend, throwing my apron at him and smiling. "Alright," I sighed dramatically, pressing a kiss to his cheek as I breezed past. "I'll see you at my place tomorrow night?"

Lucas nodded as I put my lighter coat on; it was warming up outside. "I'll be there," he said. "Love you, sweetie!"

I smiled, waving. "Love you too, loser."

The ride back to my place was actually relatively quick; my mind was laced with stupidly outrageous ideas of what Max's surprise was. I knew he was worried about me, and truth be told, I was worried about me too. I hadn't exactly been okay since everything that night with Sophie, the night Max and I fought, and he knew it. He'd even been extra soft and sweet, and he'd apologized a lot for yelling at me like he had that night, and in all honestly I *really* wasn't mad. It was cute watching him suck up though, and really quite endearing how apologetic he was.

I parked Max's car in our usual spot, before slowly getting out, making my way up to our apartment. I couldn't help the bounce in my step, the laughter that drifted from my lips absently as I took the stairs up to our hallway. I felt better than I had in days, and I smiled as I sang quietly to myself, using my key and walking in. I dropped my bag by the front door, sighing contently.

"Baby?" I called. "Max? I'm home, sweet boy."

As if on cue, a small barking noise caused me to nearly jump from my skin. I looked down as the most adorable little ball of fur came running into my shins, soft noises coming from the fuzzy little muzzle of a black and white husky puppy. It stood up on its back paws, leaning on my legs, it's tail going ten miles a minute as it barked at me. The dog seemed to... smile, at me, and I couldn't help but give a quiet 'aww' as I stooped and began petting the small dog.

"You cute, cute puppy!" I laughed lightly, scratching the dog fondly. The puppy barked in response, and I just kept loving on it.

"You like her?"

My eyes snapped up to my boyfriend, watching me softly and leaning against the wall as he smiled. I grinned and nodded, sitting back on my knees and playing with the small puppy, kissing her wet nose. Max grinned gently, slowly coming closer and stooping in front of me. He was quiet for a moment, before leaning forward and slowly pressing his lips against my forehead. He leaned around to my ear, whispering quietly.

"She's yours..." he murmured gently. I looked up at him, my eyes wide in disbelief. Max blushed quietly, rubbing the back if his neck as he sat in front of me. "If you want her, that is."

I watched him, slowly taking his face in my free hand and making him look at me. "I-I mean, I made sure to get her here to see if her and Storm got along well together," he began rambling cutely, like he did when he got nervous about something. "A-And they get along great, I mean they were sleeping on the couch together when you came in, and I know you like big dogs, and I've got all the stuff for her, I already got it, and..." Max trailed off, taking a deep breath.

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