Chapter Twelve

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This chapter is dedicated to Across_The_Tracks because she spammed my inbox with comments (okay, it was, like, 4 or 5 -_-) in a day and I really appreciated it! Thank you ♥

The next morning at breakfast, Marie somehow decided to be the nosiest step-mother of all the step-mothers in the world.

"Are you sure you're okay, Genevieve?" she asked for the hundredth time. "You look very pale. Are you sure you're not coming down with something? If you want, I can drive you to the doctor. Wait Genevieve, are you late on your period? Did something happen? Oh sweetie, you can tell me anything!" she gushed.

I resisted the urge to dump milk into her face and straightened up in my seat, giving her a big, overly happy smile that was faker than Nora. "I am fine, Marie." I said. It wasn't like I was lying. I was feeling pretty okay, which was surprising when you consider seeing your first dick the night before. The rejected feeling had brushed off, now that I finally realized I did not have a single chance with Scar. It was better to think about him without that glimmering hope.

Before Marie could go off again, my father came into the kitchen looking ruffled. I noticed he had bags under his eyes, and I was pretty sure I looked the same. Lately, my sleep pattern was off by a couple hours and it was killing me slowly, even more so on the days we had school.

"Good morning." he grumbled. Marie said something back, but my devilish mind had other ideas.

What would it be like if Scar liked me back? It was stupid to dream about it ever happening, because it never would, but I couldn't help the thoughts that floated up. Would he like me for me or would he dump me for a perfect girl? Like...Nora? Probably. No one could ever compete with her, least of all myself. It was a joke to even think about that.

But what if I did try? Not to win Scar's heart but to look pretty? I could do that if I tried. After all, the power of makeup was limitless. I didn't own any cosmetics of my own, but I could always borrow Marie's. Girls who were pretty accomplished more, I noticed. It's like people treated them better because they looked good. I hated that society was so focused on appearances, but hey. If you can't beat them, join them.

"I'm going to be late for school." I said, getting up. My father nodded without glancing up from his newspaper. I forced a smile on my face until I could get out of the kitchen. I went upstairs and locked the door.

I tried to convince myself that I wasn't doing this for Scar. I went to the closet and looked hopelessly at the clothes hanging there. My wardrobe consisted mostly of sweaters, hoodies, sweatpants, and baggy jeans that never fit me right. The floor was covered with hightops and sneakers, and one pair of nude heels that Marie bought for me. There were a few dresses that I never wore unless I absolutely had to, but they were too fancy for school.

I tried to think about what Nora would wear. Probably a mini skirt, tank top, and leather jacket with heels. I had none of those. Staring into the horrific mess that was my closet was getting me nowhere. There had to be something! Marie brought me many girly things in secret hopes that I would be a little more feminine.

There was a yellow fabric sticking out from an ugly brown parka in the back. I reached for it and after many careful tugs, I managed to pull it out without ripping it. I stared at it in distaste. It was a summer dress, light and airy with white polka dots. The dress was short, to say the least, and sleeveless with a thin strap on each side. My mouth frowned down. It was the middle of winter.

But I was running out of options and time.

I quickly stripped down and forced myself into the dress. As soon as I zipped the back up, an uncomfortable feeling quickly took over. The dress came up mid-thigh, exposing more skin than I would have shown at the beach. The bodice clung to my stomach, and my chest was accommodated with the built in push up bra. Biting my cheek, I finally dared look into the mirror.

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