Hogwarts Express:

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The grey clouds hung above just waiting to break. To let everything out. Just like the young boy Lucius Malfoy wanted answers from.

His own son.

Caked in his own blood he chocked out one last thing. "Your dead father." with that he closed his eyes as the screams of his father sounded. He smirked before he coughed up blood. Pale arms wrapped around him before he felt the wind on his face. Something he thinks he will never feel again. But he couldn't be more wrong.

His uncle Abraxas Malfoy, is the brother of Lucius Malfoy - but he was chucked out of the family because he was turned into a vampire. And just like him his nephew will become the same creature.

A stone cold vampire.

Hermione's Pov:
The tweets of birds sung merrily in the morning sunlight, as my eyes fluttered open. But the tears I had cried last night became nothing more than dry tracks down my face. I sighed as the memories of Ron cheating on me entered my mind, and tears brimmed my eyes but I refused to cry. What was the point of crying over someone so stupid?
I sighed and climbed out of the warmth of my duvet cover, and slowly but surely I grabbed some clothes before I headed to the bathroom. I locked the door and stripped down naked, before I climbed into the shower and turned the tap so the shower sprung nice warm water.

I sighed happily and washed my hair with my strawberry and vanilla shampoo and conditioner before I washed and shaved. After a few minutes in the shower I was done and turned the warm water off. Slowly grabbing a towel,and stepped out. I dried myself before I changed.


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➰➰➰➰➰➰Once I was changed I dried and styled my hair and brushed my teeth before I went downstairs to see the others

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Once I was changed I dried and styled my hair and brushed my teeth before I went downstairs to see the others. I ignored the looks they were giving me and grabbed some toast before I grabbed my book, and went back upstairs. I packed the rest of my stuff and heaved my trunk downstairs before we apparated away. I made my way to the train, the others not far behind me, when I tripped. Pale cold hand wrapped around me and I looked up to find Draco Malfoy. I heard the others behind me but I ignored them as he helped me get my balance back while he stared in my eyes. Everything seemed in slow motion.

A cough sounded besides him and we broke apart. "You okay?" I blinked and nodded yes. "Thank you." My friends looked confused but I ignored them. "Where are my manners. I'm Abraxas Malfoy, Draco's uncle." he spoke holding his hands. I shook his ice cold hands. "Nice to meet you." Harry pulled on my arm and I shrugged him off. "Excuse me Malfoy, Abraxas."I spoke, they smiled weakly before I left. "What the hell Hermione?!" Ginny snapped. "stop that, okay, just stop pretending that you care, because I know full well you two want to be with Ron and you know what good, that's great actually because you can join him!" I spoke, getting louder at the end. People stared with judgemental faces and I clenched my jaw. "What?!" I snapped turning on my heel but slipped, once again. I hissed in pain, and things fell out of my trunk. I kicked it and sat down. "I give up!" Harry and Ginny went to help me but I shoved them away. "Just go please." I spoke, they reluctantly nodded and left. I sighed as Malfoy came over with his uncle. They started to pick things up and I joined them. "Thank you." I spoke. They smiled weakly and the whistle sounded, Malfoy flinched and stood up, helping me up as well, and like his uncle his hands were ice cold. "Thank you, once again." I spoke, muttering the last part with annoyance. They smiled kindly before Malfoy helped me onto the train. He waved goodbye to his uncle as the train started to pull away. I smiled slightly before I went to find a compartment. Cold hands touched my shoulder and I jumped. "Sorry but do you mind if I sit with you?" "Sure."I spoke as I walked past Ron, lavender, Ginny and Harry. Ron stood up and I braced myself for what was coming.
He blamed me for him cheating on him and whispered the word mud blood. I slapped him before walking away when in reality all I wanted to do was cry. I found an empty compartment and placed my trunk up, while Malfoy locked the door and pulled the blinds down. I sat down bringing my legs to my chest as tears fell down my face. Malfoy kneeled in front of me. "Ignore him, he knows nothing." he spoke swiping my tears away. "You heard huh?" he smiled weakly "I'm surprised no one else did." I nodded and swiped the tears that escaped. "Thank you, again." "Four times huh, I think hell has frozen over." I giggled at that. He smiled again and it was then I noticed his appearance. His hair had turned sandy blonde, his eyes were black and his skin, was as white as snow. In some ways twilight entered my mind and curiosity took over, when we are back at Hogwarts I would research it. He smirked and I blushed as he knew I was staring. "Like what you see?" he joked. I narrowed my eyes and leant forwards "maybe you will find the answer one day." I spoke before I leant back. His face was priceless. I smiled and he narrowed his eyes. "Maybe I'll get my answer soon." he spoke leaning closer. "We shall see." I spoke, he smiled before he sat besides me. "So Granger tell me how was your holiday?" I looked at him "you suck at starting conversations." he laughed and I smiled before we talked some more. Even agreeing to a truce.
The rain tumbled down heavily outside the train as I watched how happy my nephew was. And I was thankful that we could run as fast as a train for I think he would need it. Hermione Granger was his mate and people would try loads of things to split them up.

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