Who Is With Who:

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Hermione's Pov:
I watched as Dumbledore excused himself, and followed Draco out. Thoughts swam on my mind of what just happened and what Draco meant, but as I went to process this Pavarti turned to me. "maybe dramione won't happen." she whispered. I glared at her before I frowned and stood up. People watched as I walked out but I ignored them. I wanted answers and the only way I was going to get them was asking draco...

Dumbledore told me he was feeling guilty about what just happened and was around the corner. I nodded and said my thanks before I turned the corner to see Draco leaning against the wall with his head down. I walked forwards and he looked up.

His eyes were black.

"You okay?" I questioned. "Yeah, let's go." I nodded frowning at why he was acting so strange.
We walked in and he bowed his head to Dumbledore before he sat down and I sat besides him and listened to the ministry.

"Blaise Zabini" he stood up and walked to were a bowl of water was. No one knew what was going on but he placed his hand in. "Pavarti Patel." I turned to and her smiled, but I saw she was trying to hold back on squealing. "Go." I said as I pushed her. She went and they shook hands.
People came and went and now "Ronald Wesley." "Lavender Brown." she smirked at me and made her way to Ron before he led her away.

Harry then stood up. "Ginny Wesley." she squealed and ran to him before they kissed I turned away gagged before Theodore Nott stood up. "Luna Lovegood." she skipped down there and they surprised everyone by kissing. "Wait is he the secret boyfriend you wouldn't tell me about?!" Harry shouted. She nodded yes and I noticed he clenched his jaw. "Hurt my sister I'll kill you." in some ways that hurt. Harry had always been my brother but now I felt as though he replaced me.

Luna rolled her eyes and Nott just nodded before he led her away. "Draco Malfoy." I held my breath but as he placed his hand in the water, but he hissed as though it burned him. "Hermione Granger." "Yes Dramione." Pavarti shouted I blushed and she giggled while Draco led me away. The sorting progressed and the ministry finally left.

Dumbledore spoke and I zoned out, it wasn't until Draco grabbed my hand and led me somewhere did I come back to reality.
Harry, Ginny, Ron and lavender all glared at me while the Slytherin's stood at the side with no emotions on their faces. I looked towards Draco to see he was threatening my friends. "What happened?" I whispered to Pavarti. "You didn't hear Ron call you a mudblood?" I walked forwards and they stopped. "What?!" I snapped. Draco squeezed my shoulder to calm down. "Nothing mudblood!" he hissed. I clenched my fist and turned around. He sniggered with lavender and I punched him in the nose. A crack sounded and everyone froze. "You call me a mudblood arsehole and then I will do a lot worse than a broken nose!" I shouted, before I pushed Ron back into the others causing them to whack their heads off each other and fall to the floor. The Slytherin's clapped and I smiled slightly. Pansy walked forwards and linked her arms through mine and Pavarti. "That was awesome." I smiled and looked at Draco who smirked at the others and stepped over them. Blaise and Theo joined with Luna. "Best thing of today." they cheered lifting me up. I smiled as they cheered,leaving the teachers in shock. Slowly they placed me on Draco's back as we walked to wherever we were going. "You mind if we go somewhere private I want to talk to you." "Sure but you carry me." he chuckled and I waved to the others.

I rested my head on his shoulder as he walked near to the forbidden forest. He entered it and I frowned. "What are we doing in here?" I questioned. "I need a clearing." he spoke. Slowly we came to a field, that I never realised was in there. He placed me down gently and I sat down, he followed. "What do you want to talk about?" I questioned. "Dumbledore thought it wise if I told you everything, but I don't want to lose you." "You wont lose me." I spoke, grabbing his pale cold hands. He squeezed my hands. "I'm a vampire just like my uncle." I looked into his eyes to see whether he was telling the truth but all I saw was fear. "Is that why your ice cold, you look like the snow and your eyes change colour?" He nodded and I leant closer to him. "I'm glad you told me." He blinked, "that's it your not freaked out by this though I can hear your heartbeat." I nodded. "That's it." I spoke. He smiled and then his head snapped to a direction. I smiled and he looked at me. "So you don't sparkle, you don't burn in sunlight, but do you have powers." "Yes, I can read minds but yours." "This sounds like twilight." "What's twilight?" I smiled "don't worry about it." I spoke. He laid down. "I can't believe you took that like that." I laid down besides him holding his hand. "Would you prefer I ran away and demanded to the ministry not to marry you?" I questioned. He turned his head to me. "No." I smiled and he brought my hands to his lips. "What did you mean about your father torturing innocent kids to the brink of death?" He sighed, "can I tell you another day?" I propped myself on one elbow. "Promise you will tell me eventually." "Promise." He spoke. I smiled and laid down watching the sun begin to set. "What did Dumbledore say when I zoned out after the sorting?" "That we will be sharing a common room in groups ours is the Wesley's, Potter's, Nott's, Zabini's" I nodded and laid my head on his chest, and he slowly stroked my hair. "What about you feeding?" "Don't worry about it, Dumbledore has come up with something." I nodded and he sat up, "We better go in, its getting late and you look tired." I nodded and I jumped on his back. He ran vampire speed "what are we doing tomorrow?" "I could show you more on vampire speed." He spoke. "I'd like that." He smiled and he ran all through the abandoned corridors. When we entered my friends looked up but we went straight to our room.

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