Chapter 39: He's on the Move

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Nikolas didn't know if he should be thankful or kill his father for his ridiculously crazy timing to come upon them. He was having a hard time with Alis breaking down on him, crying her deepest feelings out for his ears only to hear when Vincent decided that it would be fun to suddenly come home — despite having to come only tomorrow. That man was more unpredictable than a stray bullet.

It wasn't really that bad when he saved you from trouble, but sometimes it was just so— perfect that it was annoying.

"It is not what it looks like," Nikolas never thought that he was going to say those words out loud, especially not to his father as he caught him towering above a girl, in his house, his living room and his sofa.

Because yes, having sex in your parents house wasn't all that nonexistent and all.

"If you say so, but I had quite the long time of sexual experience to guess what is going on, yet if you wanna make me look like an old, senile men just to get away from having to explain why we're you about to fuck my guest in my house, then have it your way. Also, judging from your clothes, you've been outside when I personally told you to rest and shit, so please entertain me — what is it that I'm seeing wrong here?"

Sighing, Nikolas glanced at Alis who had hands over her mouth and gave a slight shake of her head which made him frown. Was she telling him not to do something? If so, what? He only sighed while widening his eyes in a motion that said "What the fuck woman? Speak! I can't read mind!" only for her to shake her head again.

She was seriosly going to lead him either to his grave or to the jail.

"Well, when you say it that way—" he started to answer to his father's question, but Vincent rudely interrupted him.

"And you know, you could get away from her, it's not like I'll leave you alone to do your business after causing such a commotion outside — and even having the audacity to involve me in all of that. So, answers! Now!"

Ah, he knew that he wasn't going to get away that easily.

Letting out another sigh, because there wasn't anything else he could do in that situation, he slowly crawled out of that sofa before sitting on the one across the room. Alis was making him unable to think properly, so he might as well give it a shot and try to get as far as he could from her to make those effect dissappear. You can never know how things worked.

"Good." Vincent added before getting on the armchair that was between the two as Alis moved in a sitting position. She recognized him as the man who brought her here, was he Nikolas' father? They looked alike.

"So, starting with why you left the house — and it's quite laughable that we could've avoided everything had you two stayed indoors and all," He questioned as he took off his gloves and hat.

Nikolas groaned realizing how true that was. He should've thrown her across his shoulders and tied her to his bed the moment she crossed the threshold.

"You see, that's—" Why did he even decide to follow after her? He should've left her alone, she was going to be fine with whomever she decided to spend the nig— ah, it was Snake. Nevermind that statement.

"Yes, Nikolas?"

What was with that impossible order of events?!

"You see, it all started with Alis losing her memories."

A long silence drawled between then for a while, none of the three said anything before Vincent turned to look at Alis who only shrugged before going back to Nikolas who followed her actions.

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