Episode 5 - Misunderstandings

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Author's Note: Riverdale, it's plot, cast and characters do not belong to me. Only Diana and Daniel Kennedy do. Everyone is 16 and starting their Junior year in this story.

PS. Please fave and/or review each chapter. Positive feedback and suggestions and ideas are always welcome


Every town has one. The spooky house that all the kids avoid. Ours was Thornhill, the Blossom family's mansion, with its very own graveyard.

And trapped within its walls like some gothic heroine was Cheryl Blossom. Still grieving for her beloved brother, Jason.

Linked in death even as they were in life.



She sat up from Jason's bed gasping as she had a nightmare that he had turned into a zombie and choked her. She looked to her right and saw her mother standing by the door.

"I told you, Cheryl. No more sleeping in Jason's bed." Penelope Blossom said as she entered the bedroom.

"I... I was working on the eulogy. For Jay-Jay." Cheryl tried telling her mom.

"Don't bother. You won't be speaking at his memorial. God knows what you'd say. Something to humiliate us?" She said as she picked up the piece of paper that Cheryl had written her eulogy on.

"No." Her mom continued, crumpling up the paper after glancing at it.

Cheryl didn't say anything and just stared at her mom. Just then, her phone lit up and vibrated, signaling a message. Her mom looked down and saw her wallpaper. A picture of Diana, Nate and Cheryl. Diana was holding Nate, letting him face Cheryl and Cheryl was doing a funny face, making him laugh. Penelope picked up the phone.

"Is this..." She trailed off, staring at the baby who had a tiny tuft of red hair on his head.

Cheryl gulped as she looked at her mom.


He was working on a punching bag and Diana was in his bed, writing, when his dad came in.

"Hey, Rocky. Hey, Diana."


"Hey, Mr. Andrews."

"You know, I never thought I'd say that I miss you playing guitar, but..."

"Ah. Sorry, Dad. Just trying to get back in fighting shape for the field."

"I don't know why he feels like he's out of shape, I mean look at him." Diana stated as she trailed her eyes over Archie's shirtless form.

"So, this is all for football?"

"Coach Clayton's about to set the starting line-up, name a new captain. It's like you said. Football gets me a scholarship, which gets me to college, where I can study music. Captains get scholarships." Archie told him as he started working on the bag again.

"I'm just here to support whatever he wants to do." Diana said with a shrug.

Fred just nodded at the 2 teens before leaving the room. Diana went back to writing song lyrics in her notebook when her phone lit up with a text. She picked it up to read it.

Fr: Cher-bear

Mom knows about Nathaniel Jason. She wants to speak with you soon. I'm so sorry, Di.

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