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Dedicated to OVERED ... I love you more than oxygen.


  AWKWARD MOMENTS TEND TO BE DRAWN TO ME  like a moth drawn to a flame, the way accidents find their way to Bella Swan (who despite the odds lives to see another day) and flowers to a bee. To put it lightly, I'm an awkward magnet. And my present state is a bellowing confirmation.

I try to keep my eyes pressed close and try not to cringe or breathe too harshly so I don't give away the fact that I'm awake. Because if I did ... the silence and avoidance of eye contact that will follow are inevitable. I don't want to NOT be able to look at my sister and her would-be boyfriend in a normal way. But with the a scalding image of them getting ... intimate.

I'd rather eat glass, thank you very much. I am a person who's very sensitive to her environment.

I mean that in a unrhetorical way too. Even before knowing about my gift, trait or whatever, I had always felt very alive and connected to my surrounding. It might've had to do with the fact that almost everything around me was directly or indirectly made from natural elements extracted from the earth. Even as a kid, I could tell the difference between materials if I could just run my fingers over them. The difference between pure metals and alloys. I could even tell what other metals or elemental substances were added into its making. I thought it was normal, that everyone felt the same too.

I'm in sync with everything around me. Very aware of everything. And right now, I'm very aware of the fact that my sister and Adam are getting a bit ... steamy.

I had fallen asleep during the drive, we supposedly have parked now. It's a bit dark outside from what I had gathered when I had blinked my eyes open earlier, oblivious to the trials of passion unfurling on the seat across from me. Horrified, I had hurriedly shut my eyes close again. My presence must have buffered their display of affections for each other when I was awake earlier. But now, in my slumber, they both let the maddening passion inside them run wild.

I mentally groan. I sound like a delusional romance writer.

I contemplate all the things I could do to make them stop and what would be the best course of action to follow; yawn or shift in my seat seems to be the most subtle but fruitful. I just want them to stop for all that is Holy and Pure left in the world. I feel a twinge of legitimate queasiness uncoil in my stomach. They're only making out but ... ew.

"We should stop," I hear Juliette gasp and I imagine she pulls away from him because her low breath sounds nearer to me now.

Oh LORD, show me mercy.

I hear Adam groan in frustration. "Why would we want to do that?"

Because I value food to be inside my body and not out.

"Because Rachel will wake up if we don't." I hear her sigh, as if she was regretful for my presence.

So am I.

"Don't worry." I feel them shift. Closer or further away, I'm not sure. "She sleeps like the dead."

Well, you, my friend, will be joining the dead as soon as I get back up again.

Juliette giggles.

I am one second away from shouting out loud and screaming blue murder. I didn't ask for this torture. I haven't done anything to deserve this either. I don't know what sins of mine karma decided to return with gruesome moments like these. I have been a sort-of good person my whole life. Does that not count as anything? People might think I'm overreacting but I'm goddamn honest that I'm not. When you hear your SISTER and a GUY make out in the seat next to you. YOU FEEL AS IF YOU WANNA KILL THEM OR YOURSELF.

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