A Good Ending

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*Sex scene at end warning*
"Alright tom I've decided" Tom was worried.
"You can have him" Tom jumped up out of his seat.
"Yes, I do love that boy dearly, but my parents would never accept, plus the one I marry has to be mewman." She shrugged. "He loves you not me, let's go tom its time"
"Time for what?"
"Time to tell him"
"Tom really" she pinched the bridge of her nose "seriously your a demon and your scared to tell him you like him, it will go just fine, he likes you too!"
"Tom just, please wait until I tell you its time to come in"
"Sure" tom snapped and they were both at Marcos house. He walked into her room and she went downstairs and waited.
      A couple minutes later Marco walked through the door to see star sitting on the couch. He was nervous, star could tell.
"I-i-is tom h-here" he looked around frantically.
"No why?"
"Uhm n-no reason" he sat down on the couch. Star sat next to him.
"Marco, do you know tom likes you, like really likes you?"
"I had a hint, I don't know though, I really like him, I decided while I was at fergs house" he shrugged. "God I can't live without that demon, to think we hated each other at first and now were here" Star smiled.
"You guys are so adorable. Man to think I went out with tom and wanted to go out with you"
"Wait what?"
      Marco jumped up
"WHAT STAR YOU SAID HE WASN'T HERE OHNO OHNO!"  OHNO!" Star looked confusingly
"You sound like someone dared you to do something"
"oh oops" star shrugged and giggled. "Make is sexy!"
"STAR!" Star ran into the kitchen peeping over the side to watch. Suddenly ferg and Alfonso's heads popped in the same place stars was. Tom walked down the stairs, Marco was sweating and stiff in place with fear. He stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
"Hey Marco" tom smiled.
"H-h-h-hey" Marco studdered. Tom floated over to Marco. They looked at each other. Tom wrapped his arm around Marcos waist and put his other hand on the side of his face pulling him up on his tiptoes their faces inches away. Marcos breathing was quickened from the sudden touch. Tom held their faces there, touching noses. Marco bit his lip and looked at toms lips and back to his eyes. Tom whispered
"You want to kiss me....don't you Marco" he grinned. Marco whispered back
Tom grinned wider and connected his lips to Marcos. Marcos eyes widened, but then soon closed kissing back.
    They continued kissing. Tom reached and grabbed marcos ass making him jump and moan into the kiss. He giggled. Tom broke the kiss and kissed his cheek, moving down, lifting Marco up further, trailing down his neck. Tom unzipped Marcos hoodie. He let go of Marco and grabbed his wrist, tearing his shirt with his claw, still kissing down all over Marcos chest. Tom lifted up just long enough to turn them around and pin Marco to the wall, holding his arm to the wall. He continued. Marco gave somewhat loud little moans. Tom got down to his pants and put the button on his jeans in between his teeth and looked up.
    Marco had his head against the wall, he was breathing really heavily. Tom smiled and unbuttoned his jeans and zipped them down with his teeth. He pulled down his pants and prodded at him. Marco moaned loudly calling out toms name. He stood up and kissed Marco again, pulling him out of his underwear and giving him a few pumps. Marco moaned in the kiss. 
"You like this Marco?"
"Ah aha f-fuck YES!" Tom laughed
"I thought so" he pumped faster.
"I like when you moan, Marco" he kissed his neck. Tom slowed down and squeezed.
"OHHHHH TOOOM!" Tom smiled "its so sexy when you do"
"T-tom faster I'm s-so close, oh, oh god"
"As you command" tom happily went faster.
     Star, Ferguson, and Alfonso were standing in the kitchen doorway. Mouths wide open. Disgusted but also, amazed. Star turned to the two boys. "Welp that escalated quicker than I wanted it to."
"Yea and how it should have" Alfonso laughed. Star walked into the living room, hand on her hip.
"AYE you two sex machines!" Tom flung around and Marco screeched, putting his hands in front of himself.
"That was uncalled for." Star raised her eyebrow and Marco pulled his pants back up and buttoned them.
"Marco liked it" tom looked back at him and grinned. Marco blushed redder than he already was.
"Yea" star giggled "that was a lot of moaning for one person!" Marco grumbled.
"Aw it was cute Marco" tom smiled.
"Also I guess you did it!" Ferguson laughed "went a little to far though,also i think your love is about to pass out tom." Tom ran to Marco and held him up as his legs gave half out. He walked him to the couch and layed down with him, cuddling him close.
"Tom your so so warm"
"I'm a demon Marco" Marco smiled and fell asleep. Tom shushed everyone and off home the boys went and off to bed star went. Tom smiled and fell asleep running his claws through Marcos hair.

(Yea that wasn't me Kaylee who wrote this page it was Abby that perv😂 anyway I hope y'all enjoyed this)

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