Bonus 1 | Plans for the Big Day

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I'm so sorry for taking long to upload this! But I was kinda blocked, and then I was also full of school work, so I'm sorry.

I intended on this bonus chapter being far longer, however it would take so long for me to finally upload it, and you guys have been patient enough. So I just decided to chop it, and here it is!

Thank you so so much for everyone who has been voting for me for tha Fanfiction awards! It really means a lot to me, and I never thought I would be nominated, and now here I am, my story in second place right now! I am deeply grateful thank you 💕 but we are still quite faraway from first... so please keep voting! Voting is absolutely unlimited so don't be afraid to go crazy! 😂😂

I am deeply grateful for all of your votes, but I have to tag some people here that have been voting SO MUCH! There are more people that have been voting absurdly, but I can't remember their tags from the top of my head. But for those, consider yourself tagged ok?:

Love you guys so much💕 thank you thank you THANK YOU

Also, don't ask me why, but I felt like creating a "which TYB character are you?" Quiz 😂 so if u want to do it click on the link that Im adding to a comment on this very paragraph! I would also love to know your guys' results.

Hope you like this! :)

WARNING ⚠️: I changed the order of the bonus chapters, so that they are in chronological order! They were previously in the order I published them. So check the list below to make sure that you didn't miss any with the rearranging:
Bonus 1- Plans for the big day
Bonus 2-The Big Day
Bonus 3- What the actual Fu- (Violet's POV)
Bonus 4- Finding out the truth
Bonus 5- Family quality time
Bonus 6- Next Generation One Shots

Sadie's POV:
I jolt awake with the sound of a door shutting, and as I see Shawn walking in and my iPad sprawled on my lap, I realize what had happened.

Shawn walks into the living room and watches me rubbing my eyes, and an apologetic expression takes over his face as he saw the scene before him. "Dear, I'm so sorry, you were waiting for me to get home weren't you?" He asks with a sigh, as he walks up to me and takes a seat next to me on the couch. I shake my head, blinking a few times so I felt more wide awake.

"No, no," I say automatically, though I soon notice the words I was actually saying. I smile, "I mean, yes, but it's ok. I was just searching up some things, and I just wanted to talk to you about the meeting I had today with the planner, to see if you agree with some stuff. And it happens that I fell asleep while at it." I chuckle. Shawn looked back at me with the same apologetic look, however I was being honest. It truly was ok. I had been perfectly aware that Shawn might take some time to get home.

"But I could have come earlier, that's the thing. I thought of staying a bit more at the studio finishing some things off, but if only you had told me..."

"Really Shawn, it's ok." I say with a smile, and pull him closer and give him a small kiss on the lips, since we hadn't greeted each other properly since he arrived, and at the same time, putting the matter behind us.

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