Meeting The Family:

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Hermione's Pov:
We all gathered in the great Hall awaiting the teachers but people stared as I walked in with Draco. I felt much better than I did but I still felt uncomfortable with the stares. Draco glared and pulled me closer to him and for that I smiled weakly. "Please sit everyone." Dumbledore spoke. I sighed and we sat down. "Now the families are here, and now it's your task to meet them. Unless your Potter, Granger and technically Malfoy." "Technically?" someone questioned. "I only have my uncle left." he spoke. "since when did you have an uncle." "since the day I was born." he spoke in a 'duh' tone, causing me to giggle. Even professor Snape, sniggered, but covered it up with a cough. "Haha, how come no one knows of your uncle?" the person questioned again.
"None of your business." Draco hissed. The person grumbled something I didn't catch but Draco stood up quickly. "What was that?!" he hissed, his eyes slowly turning red, I too stood up. "Draco calm down." he frowned at me and I motioned to his eyes. He blinked but it wasn't working. I turned him around and shoved him out of the great hall. People stared and I finally shut the doors "you need to calm down." I hissed. "I can't" he spoke. He kept pacing and I grabbed his face and brought his lips to mine. He kissed me back and his arms trailed to my waist as my fingers tangled in his hair. When I drew away he looked surprised. "You calm?" I questioned. He nodded yes and I looked at his eyes- they were the grey I loved. I grabbed his hand and led him back into the great Hall, thankful I didn't were make up. People stared and I smiled at the teachers. "Right let me get the families." they spoke. "Can you and your uncle meet the Wesley's?" "Why?" "because molly and Arthur took me in like they did Harry." he nodded. "We'll see." I nodded and he kissed my forehead. But as he did that I couldn't get the kiss out of my head, nor could I believe I did that. Abraxas came in and he smiled "hello Draco, Hermione." "That's your uncle?!" the person shouted and Draco grabbed my hand. "Yes." "What happened and why am I problem?" he spoke. "They didn't believe you existed until now." I spoke... "Abraxas look at you?" someone spoke. He laughed and hugged the women. "How I wish I was you" they spoke. He smiled sheepishly. "Nice to meet your Dorris." She smiled and pinched his cheek before leaving. He turned back to us and rolled his eyes. I smiled and the Wesley's came over. I held my breath and realised it when things went fine. "Hello again Draco." Arthur spoke causing us to frown. "Bumped into each other at the ministry." he spoke before coughing werewolves. I gasped and glared at him. "What?" he questioned. "Huh?" I spoke playing dumb. He turned to me and wrapped me in a hug. "What?" he questioned. "Nothing tell you later." he nodded and then stopped when he saw his mother.
"Mother?" he questioned. I grew nervous and the boys stepped in front of us. "What are you doing here?" the whole Hall was silent. She went to slap him but Abraxas caught her wrist and twisted around. "I knew Lucius was evil for what he did to Draco but you I wouldn't expect." he spoke as he slammed her onto a table as she went to knee him in the balls. She fought but he was stronger. He spoke in Latin and his clan entered. "Take her to the ministry and be careful it's bad enough with the werewolves on our backs" they nodded. "Stay away from Draco, he's my son not yours!" he snapped.

People flinched and I was among them. He sighed and turned to us. He had a knife in his arm. He noticed it and pulled it out. "Huh, the bitch stabbed me." Draco hugged his uncle. "Thanks" he patted his back and pulled away. "Anything." I smiled and he checked me over. "You okay too?" I nodded and he hugged me. "Sorry have to dash. Catch you later and don't do anything I wouldn't." he winked and walked away. I frowned as Draco groaned. He noticed my look and whispered in my ear. "he can see into the future." I pulled an oh face and nodded. A giggled sounded behind us and I frowned. "Hey Draco." she spoke. "Hey Lottie." he spoke as he hugged her. I coughed and he mouthed clan. I nodded and she introduced herself to me.

"So your his girlfriend?" I questioned a few minutes later. She nodded yes and giggled. "It's great we have two Malfoy boys. But answer me this is he protective?" I nodded yes and Draco tried to deny it. "It's kinda cute no?" I giggled at Draco as he whacked his head off the table repeatedly causing people to stare. "Never call a Malfoy cute!" he grumbled. "Why?!" I joked. He turned to me and I kissed my cheek. "I'm not cute, you are." I blushed and he pecked my lips. She giggled and slowly the families began to leave. Lottie smiled and said her goodbyes before she left. I smiled and Draco helped me up and slowly we left.
As we got to our bedroom, Draco kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and slowly he walked me shut the door. And then walked me to the bed, I laid down but he drew away. "I can't I'll loose control." he spoke. I sighed and placed my hand on his cheek. "I don't care, not for one minute do I care." I spoke. He smiled weakly and kissed my neck and shoulders. He then drew away and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and then he laid me down again. Slowly he moved me up the bed before he kissed again, we were about to take it deeper but someone knocked on the door. I sighed and Draco stood up just as I did, before we opened it.

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