Book I Chapter 14

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Tracing out a graceful arc in the air, the boy alighted on his tippy-toes on the landing of the back door of the group home. Where his small chubby feet touched the concrete slab, the cracks in it sprouted fresh grass and clovers. He reached up to the doorknob. When his fingers glanced up against the wooden panels, the paint chipped off and the wood beneath burst out flowers and they blossomed. He turned the knob and went inside. The three followed.

Upstairs, they passed by the nursing station. Men and women were there, including Joe, but whether standing or sitting, now they all had their eyes closed and were sleeping. Some were even bent over their desks and snoring. The three friends and their guide continued into the hall where the patient rooms were. Turning into one of them, they edged up to an older man, with salt and peppered grey hair, lying in his bed and even though asleep, had a deep furrow upon his brow. He was sweating and mumbling something incoherent.

Hovering in the air, the boy turned to Julian.

Julian stepped up. “Are you going to heal him now?” There were tears in his eyes.

The boy smiled. “No, my child.” He eased aside. And in easing aside, he left the way to the bed open for Julian to approach.

Julian frowned and shook his head. “I…I…”

“But this is for you!” The boy smiled. “Is this not what you have always wanted?”

Julian wiped away his tears. “I…” He bowed his head and stared into his empty hands. “…I…I don’t have the Tree anymore…”

And the boy’s eyes widened for a moment. He tossed his head back and laughed. And he laughed and wind chimes sparkled in the breeze. He flew in closer and touched Julian on the ear. He smoothed back his hair. “Julian, my poor, silly boy. It was never the Tree alone…”

Julian frowned, tilting his head. He thought back to the time in the bathroom in his apartment. And then the time with Brian in the hall after practice. Then the time with Nicole and her skin, and then just now out in the alley. He thought he understood. And then maybe not. Or maybe he was somewhere in between.

The boy caressed Julian on the forehead, wiping away the frown. “Yes, there is the Tree. But more importantly, there is always a giving, a sacrifice, a price to be paid. It must come from you, from the very deepest part of you, and you must give willingly. If you will find it in you to give, then who is to say, that sometimes even when I am far away, perhaps even then others might be saved?” The boy took Julian by the shoulder. “Come. Try.”

Under the boy’s guidance, Julian placed his hands on the sides of his father’s head, right over his temples. His father did not wake.

“Try,” the boy said again.

Julian closed his eyes.

Images appeared in his mind but they were not good ones. He was in a cave, in complete blackness. There was no light, no warmth, no escape. Voices shouted at him from out of the darkness, calling him names, telling him that it was hopeless and to kill himself. He tried to call forth light and it did come, but it was barely a candle flame. Yet in that flame, in the wan light of that fire, he could see them. Like banshees, like harpies flying all around him overhead, the shapes came at him, clawing at him, ripping him to shreds, making him bleed…

Julian opened his eyes. He found that he had fallen to the floor, covered in sweat and breathing hard. Brian and Nicole were by his sides, helping him up.

Julian stumbled over to the boy with his friends supporting him. “You must help him. Please. I cannot do it alone…”

The boy shook his head. “He is your father.”

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