A Reckoning Of Hope

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Through the window, I see nothing but clouded dark

The dreary raindrops fall upon the dirt, and leave a mark

Through the clear cut glass, melded together with wood

I see out into the world, and feel nothing, not even good

The world is shrouded, and filled with such feeble content

The mold of what was has faded, and what is, falls into descent

There is no light, just a dark hollow shell of falsity and lies

A broken land, filled with lost promises, is what looms within my eyes

But suddenly, in the cloudy sky, a passageway clears away the night

A ray of hope, and beauty, emerges in the form of a beam of light

Enmbedding itself in the world, through the clear window it comes

Revealing my surroundings and giving feeling to that which numbs

The warmth, the goodness, the comfort fills me to the very brim

Coarsing through my entire body, moving from limb to limb

The feeling lends life to sound, urging me to stop and hark

The music of the world gently buzzes, causing me to live life on a lark

"The world can be dark, lifeless, and hopeless, but a light of hope always reveals itself and fills you with absoulte joy. You just have to stop listen, and look around" - HanMan

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