New Weapon

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Naruto and Hinata used shunshin to grab Shikamaru and leave the tower, once the preliminaries were done.

When they landed, they were at the Uzumaki estate.

"Oi Dad!" Naruto yelled through his house.

Not getting a response, Naruto reached out with his chakra. Then his eyes widened.

Arashi was in his bedroom, low on chakra, and there was a chakra signurature on top of his that was also low on chakra. 

Then they heard a heavy this.

"He's being attacked!" Naruto rushed up the stairs as fast as he could, with Hinata and Shikamaru hot on his trail.

Naruto pulled a kunai and kicked the door hard, sending it off the hinges and sprang into the room, immediately wishing he hadn't.

Arashi was chained to the now broken bed with a very naked Anko Mitarashi on top of him.

Arashi smiled sheepishly and Anko covered her ample chest with her hands. "Oh, Naru-kun, you remembered our talk and wanted to see it for yourself?"

Arashi chuckled and pulled his arms free of the chains, breaking the flimsy metal. Then he picked up the blanket from the floor and covered Anko with it. He pulled on a pair of black slacks and faced his adoptive son. "I guess now is as good a time to tell you I'm seeing Anko-chan."

Naruto and Shikamaru were equally red but Hinata had fainted and passed out immediately.

Arashi was sitting in front of the three genin. Naruto had just told him about the other guy named Arashi from cloud.

"If this guy is really that powerful, you'll need training, a lot of it." Arashi told Naruto. "I'm going to take you away for the next month, home some of your skills and hopefully teach you some new tricks. "Hinata as always you're welcome to join us, as are you Shikamaru."

Shikamaru shook his head. "Think I'll do some cloud watching, maybe learn a trick or two for my fight with Temari."

Hinata shook her head also. "I'm sorry, Arashi-sensei. My fight with Lee is to be a taijutsu match. Iron fist versus Gentle fist. I am going to train with my father."

Naruto looked at her. "You sure? Arashi's alot stronger than your dad, ya know?"

She smiled. "Yes I'm aware, Naruto-kun, but his fighting style doesn't suit me the way it does you so you will continue to get stronger with him where my training will stop being as effective."

Naruto nodded. "Alright. If we fight in the exams, give it your all, Hina-chan."

Arashi walked over to where Anko had stumbled from his room, still clad in only a blanket, and kissed her softly. "Please go put clothes on, I'm the only one I want seeing you undressed."

Anko, not used to men being so gentle with her only smiled and melted into the kiss, hands taking over every muscle Arashi had.

Since she had been apprenticed to Orochimaru, people treated her like a traitor and mistreated her in a similar way they used to treat Naruto.

She knew Arashi had been a good man when he put a chunin through a wall into the hospital for calling her 'Snake Whore'.

_____a week later______________

"Thanks again Asuma, I think it'll help him alot." Arashi told the resident smoker.

Asuma grinned. "Wind users gotta stick together, besides I really wanna play Shikamaru at shogi."

Naruto nodded happily. "I'll make sure he accepts." He had a single green colored trench blade on his right hand just like Asuma's. He had tried two but it didn't feel right for his style so he used one.

"Does he need help learning to use it?" Asuma asked.

Arashi shook his head. "Nope, we are gonna be making a style specific to him, and he'll have it mastered in the next two and a half weeks."

Asuma raised a brow. "How's he plan to do that?"

"Shadow clones. Naruto here can make two thousand clones at once. If all those clones practice for eight hours he gets the equivilant of two thousand long days of practice. If he keeps dispelling and recreating groups of shadowclone then it multiplies because the memories are shared with the clones too." Arashi smirked.

Naruto threw a clumsy punch with the trench knife, luckily not hurting himself. He knew, he had to beat the Cloud Arashi. If he didn't then he'd probably get killed by him.

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