Chapter 8

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I put on some shorts and a tank top with a sweater. Shelly is sneaking back in her room when I bust in. I shake my head closing the door behind me. I grab heels and walk down the steps quietly. I don't hear anything so I hurry out the door an down the street.

I get to the school and everyone is in there own little world, I walk through the crowd and stand by my locker looking at it thinking barely being able to keep my tears in, I bite my lip so hard I almost open flesh. I get myself together..I thought.

I feel someone put a hand on my waist. I quickly turn to see Brad. I wipe his hand off of me and stare into his eyes.

"Say something or don't" I told him.

"Why didn't you cry? Like when I left?"

"Technically I was the one that left an boys aren't worth being cried over, you weren't worth it to me"

He looks at me confused.

"Alright" he says walking away.

I grab my stuff and walk as Geoff steps in my path, he scoffs at me then takes a step.

"Am I worth it to you?" He asked me.

"Not anymore" I told him angrily obviously lying pushing past him walking to class.


I stepped out of class hurrying to my locker walking past Geoff. I threw my books in my locker and ran down the hall way trying to get out of school.

Kip caught me halfway out the door.

"You okay?"

For a minute I thought he actually cared. A minute I wish had dragged on longer.

"There is this party tonight and I need you to-" Kip started.

"No, just leave me alone!" I yelled walking away from him.

Everyone was coming out of the school were watching us.

"Babe, no need to get cranky" he said caressing my arms rubbing my shoulders.

"I know it's that time of the month again" as he said that I kicked him right where it hurt the most. Below his belt in his ballsack.

Everyone started clapping as I hurried through the group of people that huddled around us. I turned back around to take a glimpse of Kip holding his sack and kneeling over. I smiled mentally high-fiving myself. I bumped into someone.

"Watch out!" It was Mr. Ester

I apologized and started running.

I wanted to run, cry, scream, but most of all I wanted to tell my mom. I walked home an saw Geoff with a dandelion in his hand, he dropped it on our porch an walked away. I smiled jogging close to the porch. I picked up the dandelion an it had a paper wrapped around it.

"I'm sorry Chelsea, I'm going through alot with my dad an school right now an I took it out on you. I believe you an am truly sorry for making you feel that way

Your friend, Geoff"

I smiled so wide running in my house going upstairs. The note repeated itself over an over again in my brain.

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