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"And when I got the autographs here, I'll get them here on this one instead, so it's not the same one every one of them" explained Cady and pointed at the posters she made y/n hold up. "and on this one I'll try get them to sign like this" she said and pointed at everyone on the poster. "way too complicated?" said y/n but it came out as a question. "you could always get them to sign it where they are on the poster, or well, that's my plan" she said then.

"you only say that so you'll know who's who in case you forget it there! But to be fair, that's quite smart and it will look good in the end too" said Cady and rolled her posters back up before putting them away, switching them out for her 2 albums instead. "last chance to learn, who's this?" she said and pointed at the cover of the album. y/n just changed her glare from out the window to the album Cady shoved at her face and sighed. "Jin" she sighed and Cady cheered.

"WOOOO! You remember now!" she said and flailed the album around. "well yeah, whatever. I only remember cause you told me he has some eating show thing" explained y/n when Cady was done cheering. She pointed again and y/n stared at the cover once again. "V, the ladybug with the elephant, quite hard to forget" she said and then she took out her headphones to get some rest the last 20 minutes. For once, Cady understood and copied y/n's actions and calmed down too.

They ended up not doing anything else on the ride, y/n was too tired from waking up early and not getting enough sleep. Cady got tired of resting and ended up watching some M/V's to hype herself even more, still, she was of course making sure she wasn't bothering y/n with her fangirling.

They got off the bus with everyone else, it had been packed with people also going to the same concert. Y/n hadn't been all happy when she saw all people gathering all at once so she dragged Cady to the side to wait the crowd out. Most of the people at the entrance had come with the bus they had or one that came right behind. "are you sure about waiting the line out, there's probably going to come more buses soon" said Cady but y/n refused.

"there's NO way that you'll get me to line with all these people" she said and began looking around. "can't we enter somewhere else, they got to have multiple entrances here, this place is huge after all" she said and walked away alongside the building. "are you sure you're sure, there's no people here" said Cady as they got around to the backside of the building. "there's no one else here, honestly, I don't think were meant to be here" she said and y/n stopped, putting her finger to her lips to signal to Cady to shut up.

"back to the wall and look" whispered y/n and made sure she wasn't heard. Cady checked and went back to her previous place in just under a second. "I knew we weren't supposed to be here but oh my gooood!!" she shouted before putting her hands over the mouth and seeing y/n slamming her head into her hands.



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