All in a park's day

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UNI and I walked to the cafeteria together saying hi to the friends we haven't seen all summer. "Ok what's wrong with you? You've been quit the whole way down here." I was starting to get worried. Since we ran into each other on the staircase all she's been doing is looking at her phone and the looking into space and I can tell when something's on her mind. "It's nothing really. Don't wor-" "UNI!" "Ok ok. It's richy. He ran away again"
Richy is UNI and Ashton's little brother his real name is Richard but we've always called him richy. He's 12 and just recently started running away. He won't talk to anyone. I haven't seen him in a while but Ashton adores that kid so he always talks about him. They usually find him at parks or he comes back when he's hungry or they find him at his mother's grave. Their mother died when Richy was 6 but he still remembers her.
"Don't worry he'll turn up" "I hope, anyway what are you eating? The usual?" "YUPPI DOODLE, I'll talk the spicy chicken sandwich 'P'LEEEAAAASSEEEE and thank you vary much" she laughed and I was glad to lighten the mood.
We sat at the corner of an empty table and talked about our day "SOOOOOO how's your first day of school? Did you make new friends? Any cute guy? Do you have any homework?" I always loved moming her.
Moning, that's not a real word. Hold up
"Can you not? I wanna sleep. And I don't like people. And stop moming me"
"Why what?"
"I'm not screaming. You're screaming. I wasn't screaming. I'm totally innocent" I whispered
But she just rolled her eyes and mumbled 'no you're not'
After a little while longer came in the boys. You know the ones that always scream and think they're kings or something but they're all douche bags?
And here came their leader "hey sis" "bye Ashton" UNI ignored him.
And here came his sidekick "hey sis" "bye Michell"
I ignored him.
The boys laughed and then joined us. We didn't mind cause we enjoyed their company and grew to actually like them last year. Chris is kinda the leader. Black hair and makes girls dream. And he totally hits on UNI ALL THE TIME. It gets annoying but kinda cute. ".....come on..I KNOW YOU WANT ME. I KNOW YOU CARE" he started singing and usually boys would laugh at him but these boys started cheering him on and some sang with him until the cafeteria was looking at us.
Poor thing. She tried to hide from attention.
But poor thing me. I had to suffer hearing them sing.
So we slipped out and left them. It was funny to see them sing to our shadows.
Classes went in a blur after that. UNI and I got up to bell of freedom as we called it and got ready to leaving or boring English class. I unlocked my car and hopped in and UNI took her seat next to me. Just when I started moving two morons decided it was funny to literally jump in my car while I'm driving. "I swear you boys are so stupid. How are you not dead yet?" I asked "what can I say? God loves us." My brother said while Ashton laughed. I dropped everyone at their houses and headed to the skate park for some peace and quit.
"What are you doing here little man? The twins were looking for you."
He stayed silent and stare at his legs while the swing beneath the bench. So I sat next to him.
"He little riches what's wrong?"
"It's my dad. He's-"
He's gonna cry
"He's what?"
"He's- he's- he's getting married" and then the tears my god the tears.
And here kicks in the mom side of me
"Aww sweetie. It's gonna be okay sweet heart don't worry." I help him tight and let him cry
"Is this why you keep running away little guy?"
"Yeah, I miss her, and now he's gonna marry someone that isn't her. Did he not love my mom? She loved him."
Honestly my heart was slowly breaking
"He loved her. But she's in a better place and your father deserves to be happy. And he loves you so much and can't be happy if you're not happy. Don't worry sweetie it's gonna be fine, me and Ashton and Autumn are gonna be right here with you."
"Thank you Re. Really"
"All in a parks day"
"1) I REALLY NEED TO PEE" he declared "2)I really want food, and 3)can you drive me??"
I swear he has an evil innocent smile. Little devil
"Sure thing riches, come on"

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