Chapter 15

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I chose to eat a late lunch in my room the next day. I knew Audrey would be in the Women's Room and I had no plans to see her if I didn't absolutely have to. The Royal family had also decided to have dinner alone tonight, so I'd be spending a comfortable day in my room rather than deal with the gossip and drama of the Elite. I'd picked up a book and planned on finishing it today; paired with a good lunch, it was a definite step up from the days I'd been having.

Just as I finished lunch and curled up in my bed to read, Elisa, Beth, and Cora rushed in.

"Out, out, out!" Beth quickly ushered me out from the covers as Elisa took my empty plate.

"What? Why?" I groaned as I crawled out of the bed, my bare feet freezing as they touched the cold floor.

"We're working on your dress for the send off ball for the Italian Royals," Cora explained as she handed me a pair of fuzzy socks. "It's too risky to work on it in the sewing room after what happened last time."

"So why do I have to leave?" I questioned as Beth again ushered me towards the door.

"Because it's a surprise! You can't see it until it's done, so come back at dinner. We'll put it somewhere safe." Beth admonished, shutting the door behind me.

I frowned, holding my book to my chest. I felt underdressed suddenly, realizing that I was only wearing a pair of pajama shorts and a sweater with the socks Cora had given me. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone else; the only question was where I could go in private, given what I was wearing.

The Women's Room wasn't an option, given that most of the other girls would be there. The library would likely be busy too; Elodie, a training teacher, and Kamryn would likely be there. And after what Everly had said, I didn't want to risk the guards on the third floor if I tried to go see her or Genevieve.

I found myself walking near the movie theater, towards the small rooftop Derek had taken me to on a date. It was quiet down here and I could easily hide from any guards if I needed to. I figured the rooftop would likely be empty, so I could read my book in peace and quiet.

I climbed a flight of stairs just past the theater, vaguely remembering the way I was supposed to go. I was on the third floor now, meaning the guards were more frequent. Every so often I'd find myself hiding behind a large plant or ducking into another hallway to avoid their gaze.

After hiding in another hallway after what seemed like the tenth guard, I'd had to reroute my path yet again. I was about to give up and go down to the Women's Room when a familiar blaring alarm began to sound throughout the halls.

A rebel attack.

I froze in my place. During the first attack, I'd been in bed; my maids had taken me to the safe room while I was still half asleep. Now I was alone in a deserted hallway, with no sense of what to do or where to go. I couldn't even begin to think of the way to the safe room, so my only option was the rooftop I'd been heading towards.

I sprinted towards the small set of stairs, my brain somehow remembering the way to go. It was oddly quiet, save for my pounding heart; there were no guards or other people in sight.

I finally reached the door leading to the rooftop, my breath coming in short gasps. I wrapped my fingers around the handle, expecting a rush of cold air once I opened it.

Except it was locked.

I could feel the hope drain out of me as my chances of escaping dropped to zero. I had no clue where the safe room was and no idea if there were any other places to go. The chance of a rebel finding me before a guard skyrocketed; there hadn't been any up here before and there likely wouldn't be any coming.

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