♡08♡ Reach Final part

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"You suck! Listen to the beat and dance with it, you boor! Why are you dancing like Hoshitani?! And hold the parasol properly!" Tengenji shouted at her, his role within the training room was the harsh instructor, a teacher who was effective but harsh at the same time. 


"1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3, 4- Tsuku, you missed the beat again!" Tsukigami's role within the training room was second strict instructor, this role required co-operation with the harsh instructor, and possibly the most reasonable one if he could see hard work and efforts poured into the work.

"One more time?" Kuga asked, "1, 2, 3, and..." Kuga was in charge of playing the piano. Fragments had finished with the lyrics and the composition so Kuga was able to play the song from a piano.

After practicing for a while, Tsukuyo felt her legs wobble and she fell on her bottom. 

"Time out, time out!" Nayuki quickly hand her tea while Hoshitani drop a towel on her head. The two of them were too nice to be teachers so they're just here to hand her a towel and a drink, a supportive role that's cheering in the background. 

"Geez! Dancing and singing for more than a minute is hard!" Tsukuyo was tired, but at least she was slowly getting there. "Thanks for doing this for me, guys." 

Team Ootori were more than happy to lend her a helping hand since what she's aiming for was something that they specialize in as a team after all. They were glad they could be of help for her, who was always doing her best with her bandmates. 

Tengenji sat down next to her and he messed her hair up with a grin, "Look at you, dancing and singing. It's like you are in the Musical club with me!" 

"Haha, you wish. I would have stole the limelight from you." 

"Have you got the voices ready?" 

"Sure have." 

"You're well prepared as always."

"I am!" Tsukuyo then pulled her phone out to show him the Line app chat between herself and the Nayuki twins. "I told what I am doing and they insisted that they draft out what the costumes should look like." 

"Wow, the draft for it looks good." On the picture were 5 different costumes, each theme was different to another. 

"Hm! I am having a lot of fun doing this." She pressed away from the Nayuki twins' chat to look at her other chats. She saw Taiga's name on one of them and she smiled warmly as she remembered how she started to talk to him on Line. 

Taiga flagged down a taxi for Tsukuyo to go home since he was meeting Uozumi elsewhere that night. 

"Here is the money. Make sure she returns home safely, please." He said to the driver as he handed the money over.

"Ah! Senpai, you're treating me again!" 

"It's fine! Ah, do you use Line? Tell me when you get home, alright?"

Tsukuyo and Taiga exchanged Line contact, they were now able to talk to one another. 

Taiga found it amusing that her profile picture was of herself and Tengenji. "Cute couple." 

"Don't stare at it!" 

"Message me when you get back, okay?" 

Tsukuyo thought Taiga was such a nice senpai. She clicked away from the screen and put her phone aside to get back to practice. She had to get the dance right as she sang, she's going to nail it before the amusement park performance; she's finally got the answer and she's going to go with it with pride! 

♡Tsukihana♡Tengenji Kakeru♡Starmyu♡Where stories live. Discover now