26. Homecoming

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For lovelyhemmo3 for leaving such a sweet comment on the last chapter,  you're lovely :)

     I stood in the kitchen, chopping up the vegetables. Andrea and Noah had been here as well helping me and my mother cook for when my father arrived. I had talked to him this morning over the phone. He should be here by late afternoon.

I had cleaned the house from head to toe and I wanted everything to be perfect and exactly the way it was when he left.

I had dressed properly as well. I wore a short little floral pink dress with a white cardigan and white wedges. I had fixed my hair into bouncy drop curls with a white bow. I didn't put too much make up on because my father hated it dearly. Just mascara and a light pink shade of lipstick.

Everyone else was dressed up as well, including my mother and Charlie, who had came from the groomers earlier this afternoon.

I placed the seasoned vegatables in the pot and covered it.

My mother and I made sure to prepare his favorites tonight.

"I finished the cake, Mrs. Brooks." Andrea said as she took it out of the oven. She placed it in the counter.

"Here, frost the top." My mother said as she handed Andrea the jar of frosting.

I adjusted my apron around my neck and waist and began to set the table. The food was far from ready, but I decided to do it ahead of time.

"The rice is finished." Noah beamed.

I looked at the pot steaming rice and beans.

"Smells delicious." I chirped.

I went back to the stove where my mother had been preparing the baked chicken. As I stirred the macaroni in the pot, I heard the door bell ring.

"Is that Dad?" I asked, turning to my mother.

"It might be, go check, I'll finish up here." She said as I walked away, leaving her to tend to the cheesy goodness in the pot.

I walked over to the door, still in my apron and swung it open to find the most peculiar sight ever.

"Hey babe." said Austin, standing in the doorway with two large bundles of flowers. He looked extraordinarily different. His hair was parted to the left and slicked back nice and neatly. He removed his lip piercing and was dressed in green knitted jumper which hid his tattoos and jeans.

"W-What... are you doing here?" I spoke as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Who is it darling- Oh! Hello, Eliza didn't tell me she was seeing someone!  He looks like such a gentleman. " My mother gushed.

I stared at him wide eyed before he spoke.

"For you, Mrs. Brooks." He said, handing her one of the flower bundles.

"My My! He's so polite." My mother said, taking the flowers. "Thank you."

"And for you, princess." He said, giving me the other bundle.

"Oh uh.... thank you." I half smiled.

"Well come in-come in." My mother said quickly as she invited him inside.

"Mrs. Brooks, you have a lovely home." He grinned. "My name is Austin by the way."

"Oh, Austin, please, call me Michele." My mother blushed.

"He's quite the catch! " She whispered in my ear.

"I'll go put these in a vase with some water." My mother said, fleeing to the kitchen.

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