When Coulson Comes A-Calling...ANSWER

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"Tony?"I ask through the waterproof comm. Coulson was calling me.

"What?"He says.

"Coulson is calling me."I tell him.


"Shut up."I say. I answer the call quickliy.

"Whatcha need,Phil?"I ask.

"Your help. The tesseract has been stolen, and we need you to get the Captain."He says.

"Guessing you need Tony."I say.

"Yes, but Fury needs you now. It's time to assemble the team."He tells me.

"Okay. Tell Nick that'll be at the helicarrier soon."I hang up and sigh.

"What is it?"Tony asks he attaches the pipe.

"Fury needs me. I'll be back soon,Tony."I say kissing his his metal cheek as I shoot out of the water.

~On The Helicarrier~

I land on the deck and walk inside. Hill comes and greets me.

"Agent Stark."She says.

"Oh Agent Hill, how many times have I asked you to call me Clara?"I say.

"Come on,Clara."She says smiling. She leads me to Fury's office. She drops me off at the door and leaves. I shake my head and open the door.

"Agen-"Fury starts.

"Clara. Just Clara please."I say walking in.

"Clara. We need you to-"

"Get the Captain."

"Stop interrupting me!"He says. I smile and sit down.

"We need you to persuade Captain Rogers to join the team. We need him."Nick says.

"I see. Now where is my file about the Tesseract and his file."I say. The man sighs and hands them to me. I smiles and stand up.

"And Clara; don't scare the poor man."He says as I walk out.

"Fury you don't trust me! I ne-fine."I say walking back to the deck. I fly back towards(oh I can fly as well) New York,but head towards Brooklyn.

I reach his gym in ten minutes flat, landing in a nearby alley. I walk towards the gym and silently let myself in. I see the Captain beating up a punching bag, and I have to say he has a nice ass. He punches it again and it flies across the roo..

"You're up late."I say smirking. I walk in and lean against the wall, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Who are you?"He asks turing around.

"Agent Clara Stark, from SHIELD. Fury sent me."I say walking towards him.

"Stark? You're not Howard's daughter, are you?"He asks.

"The one and only. I have a brother too. Tony."I say, "And you are the famous Captain."

"Just Steve, Agent Clara."He says smiling. I stand infront of him.

"Well just Steve, I'm just Clara."I say holding out my hand. He shakes it firmly and I stare into his blue eyes.

"What does SHIELD need me for?"He asks. I hand him the file.

"The Tesseract has been taken by a man named Loki. You know what it can do more than anyone else at this moment. My Dad found it when they were looking for you. "I say. He looks at the file.

"The Cube?"He asks. He walks away picking up a punching bag and his bag.

"Yes. So will you join?"I ask.

"I'll think about it."He says walking out.

"Wait Steve, any advice about the Cube?"I ask.

"Should've left it in the ocean."He says leaving. I sigh and sit down.

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