Chapter 38: Davy Back Fight

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"Come inside" the old man allowed your group to enter his house. "I am in your debt. You'll be my guests"

"Alright, food!!" cheered Luffy, running inside, followed by the others.

"Ah, home sweet home" sighed Tonjit. "Our village has a tradition of welcoming guests with milk taken from our livestock"

"A village? You have a village around here?" you asked, taking a seat.

"And what livestock?" enriched Chopper.

"What village...?" repeated slowly the old man before he came to the realization and panicked greatly. "AH! THE VILLAGE IS GONE!!! THE LIVESTOCK TOO"

"Don't tell me you just noticed" said Usopp with his arms crossed and a dejected look on his face. "But even if you were up there for ten years, that's not enough time for a whole village to disappear..."

"Oh, yes. I'll explain everything. First, I must attend to you. I'm sure I had some milk stored around here"

"Erm..." you mumbled, a disgusted look replacing your blank one.

" were up on those stilts for ten years!" cried out Usopp and Tonjit's expression turned shocked.

"Please, help yourselves to some cheese" he said, approaching you with a smelly cheese of ten years, and didn't even dare to stare at the aliment.


"Ah, what a shame...Well, feel free to make yourselves at home"

"Hey, Ossan, can you eat this cheese?" questioned Luffy, tilting his head on the side.

"Don't. Touch. It" you gritted your teeth, slapping your captain's hand away from the plate.

"Don't worry. It's just some ten-year-old cheese. Unlike you young'uns, I've experienced the relaxed lifestyle of this island. My stomach is much stronge than yours" told Tonjit. "Youngsters these days have such weak bodies"

"Then why are you on the ground clutching your stomach?!" you howled at the old man who was indeed in a fetal position.

" a doctor!"

"I TOLD YOU SO! YOU MORON!" snarled Usopp.

"DOCTOR! DOCTOR!" panicked Chopper. "Oh, that's me!"

The small reindeer quickly examined the old man, coming with one obvious conclusion:

"Food poisoning"

"WE KNOW THAT!" cried out Usopp and Luffy laughed.

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