Reel and Drown

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Reeled and drowned
Stuck beneath the dark
Our hearts broken and dropped
The concrete ground saved us from you
We hopped and prayed,
That one day you'd come back

But we don't want you back
You mortified us, you left us

He talked, with his words full of charm
Manipulated me, let me believe
That you loved me

And I loved you, but that wasn't enough
Her over me
Her over me
You're over her
Took her
The advantage of your filth
Pigs, the both of them
The hate, anger, repressed anxiety
How could I love both of you?
How could I have not seen through?

I couldn't see, so I got hooked
They reeled me in
Only to drown me in the end
I wasn't saved
I was used
I was tormented
I wasn't loved
I was grasped by the loving arms
Then left to fend

We were reeled in and then drowned
Learned my lesson
My true heart will never be found

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