Chapter Twenty (Part 1): Solus

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Happy Sunday! Have another update. :D 

So this, i'm afraid, is only part one of chapter 20. I decided to split this chapter into 2 parts because it was getting so massive, and once I'd decided where to split it - I figured I might as well post part 1 now, as the 1st draft is pretty much done.

Technically this chapter introduces one of my favorite characters (Fiza - pictured) but she only appears towards the end of part two. Part two is almost finished - it just needs concluding and perfecting- and will hopefully be up soon.  

Unedited as always, and I feel like this one reads quite rushed...but I'm trying not to be too much of a perfectionist with this first draft. 

(C)copyright SJCLewis2020


Minerva wasn't happy when she learned Darcie wouldn't be joining her that evening. Between bites of oven pizza and shots of cheap gin, she had violently berated her for abandonment and betrayal. 

"But everyone's going tonight!" she'd whined, seated cross-legged on the floor of her room, surrounded by makeup. "How many more chances are we going to get to do this? We're almost done with uni - and in a couple of months, everyone will have gone!"

Darcie knew this all too well and was - truly- bitterly resentful at missing out. Outwardly, however, she'd convincingly faked uninterest, fatigue and a headache, climbing into her pajamas as soon as she'd got home. As tempting as it was to go out and get drunk, she didn't doubt for one moment that Tito would snitch and Bash would show up again if she did. Missing out on a night out was one thing, but risking being taken away from Heavitree road and back to Surrey was another.

"I know." she'd said glumly, stretching out across the end of Minerva's bed. "But...I really feel like shit tonight."

She'd only half-listened to the rest of Minerva's remonstrances and coaxing. As Minerva paraded several outfits in front of her, Darcie's thoughts had turned contemptuously to Bash; The injustice she felt at his interference in her life festered deep in her belly, and she gritted her teeth against the subsequent onslaught of rage. She despised him. 

Eventually resigned to the fact that Darcie wouldn't be coming, Minerva had left with Dan, Keiran, and a very disappointed looking Tim just after eleven. Numb, Darcie watched them go,  shrieking and laughing down the road until they turned into the alleyway towards Morrell Avenue and were out of sight. Alone then, she had taken a few shots of Minerva's gin and poured herself a generous measure of Kieran's coke and vodka before taking herself sulkily to bed. 

By midnight, she was bored, tipsy, and her anger had risen to boiling point. 


Fuck my life

Yet another text from Minerva flashed across the screen of her phone, and Darcie glanced miserably away from Netflix to scan it.

*Tim is devastated you're not here. Shall I send him back to tend to your sick bed? ;)*

Fuck off

Swearing under her breath,  Darcie flipped the phone over and drained the rest of her vodka-coke. Once upon a time - her misery at missing out on all the fun would have included dwelling on the lost opportunity to get together with Tim; Tonight, however, that particular component of her pity party had been drowned by resentment and burning anger at Bash for taking away her liberty.  Of everything she felt - when it came to Tim, she was almost relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with him.

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